Reviews for Dragon's Kiss
anonymous chapter 35 . 1/26
Kudos. I quite enjoyed re-reading your story this past week.
Thank you.
FateHacker chapter 1 . 7/11/2023
Oh wow I loved this fic in high school. Really introduced me to the potential of what an fanfiction AU could be. Coming back to say thank you for the fic 10 years later for just leave a comment fest. It's been awhile but I recall quite liking Mai in this. And the grand adventure was always a dream.
SuperJinx96 chapter 35 . 1/1/2023
damn this is still one of my favorite fantics!
neoaqua chapter 35 . 6/12/2022
Okay, this story is old as fuuuuuuuuuuuuck which is why I wasn't planning on reviewing it cause I assume authors don't care too much for their stories from this long ago, active or not, OR, they are completely inactive and won't see new reviews. But I just had to.

So, I originally read fanfiction back when this story would have probably been in progress, but then stopped reading for about 10 years.

I honestly had very little hope when it came to looking at stories from that long ago because everything, at the time, was so cliche, repetitive, and terribly OOC. You could ready 100 fanfics in a day and MAYBE find one good one. That's insane, but the truth.

I had this story opened in a tab for a while as I looked through fic after fic from between 2005 to 2010, excited to get to this one cause it had so many reviews which I thought meant it must be good and I was just constantly disappointed by every other story I was reading, but also sort of dreading it cause it was SUCH A LONG STORY.

Well, needless to say, this story was an absolute gem. I actually read it a week ago and I keep thinking about it, cause I miss it.

I'll be truthful, I wasn't a fan around the first 10 chapters. I appreciated how well written it was, and I loved the portrayal of pretty much all the characters. Especially Seto and Joey. However, I wasn't here for the other pairs, so I got to the point of skimming their scenes.

That being said, at one point I let myself just... casually read what was written with those other pairings and it wasn't overdone. Probably more in there about them than I would have liked, PERSONALLY, but... not overdone. It's obvious who the main pair was which I appreciated.

Another con for me was too much detail. You just about had it right, but it dragged at times. That's why 10 chapters in, while I was still very interested, I also had to kind of psych myself up to continue reading.

Once I got the flow, however, I was hooked. I'm an absolute sucker for romance done well and in my opinion that's extremely rare. So rare that I can't even recall a couple other than Rick and Evie from the Mummy franchise (esp the second), as a couple I would think of as GOALS. And that came out 20 years ago. That's how rare a good portrayal of love is.

But by gosh you nailed it. It was beautiful.

A lot of movies require a bomb ass soundtrack in the background of heart-wrenching scenes, but you didn't need a soundtrack. You were able to write it as if I was able to hear the music in the background and I doubt that's an easy thing to do.

I have seen writers who have been writing on here since the early 00's and are still writing now with definite improvements in their skills as writers, but just because they're better with grammar and the art of storytelling, doesn't mean they know how to write a proper-ass love story. And damn, it was 15 years ago, but you bloody well nailed it.

I think I need to let this one sit for a while, but I hope when I casually come to check out some fanfics in another 10 years (if this story or this site is still around), I get to experience the same thrill I felt after reading and finishing it the first time.
twentytwobracelets chapter 35 . 12/3/2020
Haha I was worried they would have to have dragon incest to survive but luckily there were other dragons still. I liked the story and especially that you take your time to describe the situation and details.
serena.jones.585 chapter 35 . 12/4/2019
Overall, very satisfying. Joey's gonna wind up running a kingdom whether he wants to or not. Where's my baby dragon sequel?!
serena.jones.585 chapter 26 . 12/4/2019
It was a transformation potion? Is that all? Ladies, Joey is hurt, yes, but he's not so damaged that he can't handle positive contact! I thought all thefuss was because Seto wanted the m'preg fomula.
serena.jones.585 chapter 13 . 12/3/2019
Mid chapter again. Marik owes Joey a debt for that.
serena.jones.585 chapter 6 . 12/3/2019
Mid chapter but had to stop. Ice. Ouch. That might be the worst timed accident I have ever read. Simple but devastating. Nicely played, fate.
serena.jones.585 chapter 3 . 12/3/2019
This chapter wasn't boring, it was necessary. And more than that, it was engaging. I now want to learn more about Seto and Mokuba, and how they live as the last of their kind. Too much action, with no real plot is boring. Don't sell yourself short. This, so far, is worth my time to read.
Anime100 chapter 35 . 9/21/2018
Oh wow; what a fantastic fanfic. I hope to read more YU-GI-OH fanfics starring Joey like this one in the future

I also would like to read fanfics of Valon/Joey yaoi or Valon and Joey friendship
AbsoluteReader1995 chapter 1 . 6/1/2018
Hey have you ever seen "I Am Dragon"? I think it's a Russian movie and the similarities between it and this are pretty cool. There is a lot that's really different too, but I think that you would really enjoy it, it's on Amazon Prime Video if you ever decide to see it.
Wiipuu chapter 35 . 5/1/2018
I dont think I liked it. To bad for me...
WhyteFrosting chapter 1 . 3/19/2018
Okay, wait, wait, wait, wait... Seto's... a dragon? What?
I'm still reading and beside the minuscule grammatical errors, I'm enjoying this fic, good job!
Yu-GONE chapter 35 . 3/2/2018
I love this story so much! It's so well written and the whole plot is wonderfully done! I could go on and on about how much I loved this but then I'd be rambling. This was worth every hour I put into and honestly it's one of the best fanfics I've read so far. Thank you so much for letting me have this wonderful experience and keep up the great work!
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