Reviews for Pantogogue
Beth1112 chapter 32 . 12/18/2024
I enjoyed your story.
sjrodgers23 chapter 32 . 1/15/2021
More please.I loved the story but it ended weird. Please come back and write more of this story please. Thank you
Nekoyasha12 chapter 32 . 11/30/2020
Holy fucking shit.
First off I despise first person stories because they nearly always lack the significance and true raw feel and understanding a third person story almost always has(if written correctly of course).
But you not only executed such a magnificent display but did so with such remarkable canon relation to one of the, in my opinion, most confusing, complicated and persecuted character's ever created in the realm of fiction.
You delved into his mind, gave us an understanding and walkthrough of his inner self, and you did it so damn naturally it's scary to think correctly who really created the character Severus Tobias Snape. JK or you?
And no, I am not trying to be funny there. I actually, truly wondered that a few times throughout of story because you just breathed so much more life into him.
Thank you immensely for such a phenomenal story hun.
Snape'sSlitheringSlytherin chapter 32 . 11/1/2020
great story!
Snape'sSlitheringSlytherin chapter 21 . 11/1/2020
I love the description of arthur toooo
Snape'sSlitheringSlytherin chapter 10 . 10/31/2020
I appreciate your descriptions of Moody and Snape. And definitely your way of writing harry and writing snape's analysis of Harry
Caramel4me chapter 32 . 3/6/2020
This was beautiful. I'm very glad I read it and stayed with it all the way through! I'm still a little confused with his relationship with Bill but I really loved that you included such a close relationship between Bill, Charlie, and Harry. I dont come across that group as close friends very often in fanfiction and appreciate it. You did a wonderful job thank you!
MollyMuffinHead chapter 32 . 2/23/2020
If I say this story changed me, do I lose points for cheesiness? I feel like I've been walking in a fog while reading it. The deep POV of Snape gives the story something haunting. Two completely empty souls not filling each other up, but helping each other stand on their own. It was beautiful. The fact you're not a native English speaker doesn't show often, and those grammatical errors were easy to read over. Thanks for the story. It was beautiful.
dawnraptor chapter 32 . 2/27/2019
I really don't know how I could skip over your fic for all these years. I never read it. Why? I don't know. My loss, really, but I'm happy I found it now. I love your style. Your Snape is epic even if your Harry is perhaps a little... Too much. Just a tiny bit too much. But your miserable, desperate fic was so deep that I think I can forgive a powerful! Harry. You end your story with a great hope. We can think all will go well. It's good for the soul. I think you deserved more, many more reviews. Perhaps your style is not so linear and discouraged some readers. I loved it. Thank you for your great effort. You gave me a few days of oblivion from my boredom. Now I am going to peruse the rest of your hp fics. I hope I could convey my meaning without embarrassing myself. I'm Italian and my English is mostly self learned reading some thousand fics...
Dorian chapter 32 . 7/8/2018
It is for sure one of the best snarry I have ever read. But you know what? I am disappointed that there is more between Bill and Harry written than Snarry itself. I felt cut from the story, maybe that is on purpose this cliff-hanger yet I crave some sequel, something ordinary and intimate with you can easily say goodbye after that level of emotions you brouht from me. Something more about Draco and Voldemort and some happy-end or death, anything really, but more! OK, perhaps I get addicted, your fault, don't worry :) Thanks a lot, 'cause I had great time with them and surely I will come back to the story many times again. Great piece of art, and very, very beautiful written I love it!
Aura chapter 32 . 4/23/2018
Well... I have yet to find a story, particularly Snarry of your level and I'm trying really hard to find one! Because apparently your story has made me obsessed with the pairing, with Snarry and I just can't stop reading! But not one story I've found can come even close to it and I'm dying for another like this! Could you help me somehow? :/ ;)
Aura chapter 32 . 4/9/2018
Firstly, I commend you for writing a story from Snape's point of view, though it's AU from HBP, still Snape is Snape and attempting to write his thought process is an accomplishment in itself. The story is beautifully written, dark yet painfully beautiful.
These being said, the story would've been perfect if not for Metamorphosis At Dawn and its additional plotline here, I was sceptical about reading MAD and wish I hadn't because this twist is really twisted rather in a creepy way...
But that hardly ruins the beauty of this one and I really enjoyed it very much! :)
Guest chapter 6 . 4/6/2018
You should at least warn people if your going to do snape bashing...or rude and disresectful and arrogant draco and harry granted the first 2 has always been true about both of them in cannon
TheSignOfDeath chapter 32 . 11/22/2017
Ooh i Love your story. Truly this is the third Time i have read it and it does Not cease to be a fabulous story
Zhidkina chapter 32 . 8/22/2017
Hey! I really liked your work, and I would like to ask you for permission to use it in a Russian-language source. I hope for your approval!
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