Reviews for Fox Leaves
Forgotmyusername chapter 16 . 8/10/2020
Why do the good and original stories die?
Vi36 chapter 16 . 9/30/2018
i like the story
LordNemo chapter 16 . 2/18/2018
Love the story
readpink chapter 16 . 12/13/2017

Thanks for the ride. I really hope someday this story is finished. I would very much like to read it. If that proves impossible well then, it was fun while it lasted. Thanks for the ride.
readpink chapter 11 . 12/13/2017

I have to say that I love what you have done with the character without doing her too OOC. I think this is working very nicely. I also liked the peak on the current friendship status of the group as a whole. I think that was a very important piece on information as well as a nice touch. I also loved the way even someone like Kurama can bend to his boys' will because he loves them very much (and yes, even if not his "son", I can see that Gaara is one of his beloved boys).

PS: The omake was a gift. Thanks for that.
readpink chapter 8 . 12/13/2017

So sad about Hinata's mom but I love that Gaara was able to cheer her up halfway and Naruto helped the other half. That scene was so cute but I have to say that my favorite was the revealing of the pair being connected to their respective youkais. Their bonding is so great and the fact that they are only going to become stronger now that a there is a possible threat upon their lives warms my heart.
readpink chapter 7 . 12/13/2017
This has been my favorite chapter by far! Not that the rest have been boring but this one is simply too cute and I love the interaction among those three (Naruto, Gaara and Hinata). I love how Naruto is able to awake the mischief in both of them. Too cute. /

I also like the fact that Minato has taken custody on Sasuke and that Kakashi is so involved with them now that he has left ANBU. Great work.
readpink chapter 5 . 12/13/2017
Up until now I've been holding my breath because it is such a nice and beautiful AU of the original story but if there is a weak spot for me that is Gaara. I have always liked his character and I love him even more after all the evolution he has shown since his first appearance so in honor of that devotion I felt it write to review the story up until now in this chap.

I think it's amazing what someone can do with a little imagination and I'm truly enjoying the characters as much as the plot as a whole. I feel so sad for Minato and understand your reluctance to write more Orochimaru scenes (he gives me the creeps to be honest). I can't wait to keep reading though I'm a bit saddened that the story hasn't been updated in years and therefore, I'm scared of reaching only a hiatus at the end of the chaps. I will savor it as much as I can.

Beautiful fanarts btw. I have been al Lizeth's gallery and I adored it. You two make quite a team.
Sisnol chapter 16 . 4/4/2017
Nice story. Hope it will get updated some day.
ivanganev1992 chapter 16 . 7/29/2016
Ch 16

Naruto had pretty good life and the Fox and the other of that Caliber were also very Civilized exept the profanity speaker living seal Racoon-dog .

Naruto in information are higher than Sanin and Spec ops ninja.

In jutsus they know. But their fearfulness is the only weakness.
Shinigami Merchant chapter 2 . 7/19/2016
interesting, oh so very interesting
Shinigami Merchant chapter 1 . 7/19/2016
Good ending for the first chapter, Unless something stops him I foresee waterfalls of blood cascading from the cliffs of the Kumogakure
Yozakura Setsumi chapter 16 . 6/27/2016
Oww, it's such a pitty that you do not continue with this story, I really enjoyed reading it :c
Pretty please, can you update it maybe, if you can? I'm really curious and I grew to like it a lot. It's a great break from the normal Naruto Universe & other reality-based AUs, this somehow mixes them both and has something unique to it. It's awesome
my 2 guys chapter 2 . 5/28/2016
that was good keep the chapters coming
my 2 guys chapter 2 . 5/28/2016
that was good keep the chapters coming
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