Reviews for The Hardest Riddle
Tokikohime chapter 38 . 2/14/2016
A very good story, and i honestly wish to see updates(though that hardly seems likely). I agree, wow is addictive. And your Chapter that used it was something that threw me off. Can't say i'm unhappy though. Overall, i look forward to future works by you or future updates!
lesa.blazer chapter 38 . 2/3/2016
Please continue
The Dark One Rising chapter 38 . 1/29/2016
Thanks for that recap in the chapter. A good reference point, although nothing from any of the less prominent universes was mentioned. It's not as though they didn't exist. Did he learn nothing there?

What happened to this? You had written a few chapters back that you had a few more ideas for universes. Still, if we wanted, you could have also ended it after this universe. This story was almost done. Why stop?
The Dark One Rising chapter 37 . 1/29/2016
No. You don't just do that! I've seen magical Dudley before. Some aren't too bad. But this? Why? Why did you need to add more ridiculous things to the plot? I suppose I wanted "different". This is decidedly so.

If Dumbledore and McGonagall went back to the past of the universe they were in, nothing like Dudley having magic should have changed. Was he in Hogwarts in that universe? Did the circumstances, ending up in an orphanage, bring it out?
The Dark One Rising chapter 36 . 1/29/2016
This world is so strange. I wish Dumbledore was actually this nice. I don't think he's as bad as you're making him out to be. Sure, he's horribly manipulative and distances himself a bit too much from the individual when looking at the bigger picture. However, I don't think he left Harry there with the intent to beat him down to make him susceptible to rescuing. If Harry was treated as poorly as fanfic said he was, I think Dumbledore would have removed him.

Rowling glossed over it. They were emotionally abusive. The Durselys didn't seem to do much actual physical abuse. I doubt Vernon wasted the energy to belt him. They didn't starve him, just underfed him. That isn't good at all. None of that is. It's mostly emotional abuse, though. Even though it shouldn't be, emotional abuse is taken less seriously than physical or sexual variants, becuase the wounds aren't visible.
The Dark One Rising chapter 35 . 1/29/2016
That is different. The makings of a standard good Dimbledore. He didn't know and then felt high levels of remorse upon finding out. Also, the makings of aDark Harry fic. Betrayed and hurt by various things, usually Sirius or Dumbledore related, he turns away from the Light. Not necessarily towards Voldemort, but not allied with the Light. Also, the good old time travel. Something goes wrong, things are unsatisfactory, or a complete accident. Either way, someone, usually Harry, goes back to do it again. I've just never seen them all combined. Dark Harry and remorseful Dumbledore? Yes. Dumbledore and time travel? Yes. Dark Harry, Dumbledore, time travel and then some? Nope. For once, something I haven't seen.
The Dark One Rising chapter 34 . 1/29/2016
This feels a bit forced, since we only get a few chapters to know her. It works, I suppose. They are never terribly detailed, and the actions you described did show a gradual bonding. I don't really care, either way, what happens to her.
The Dark One Rising chapter 33 . 1/29/2016
I like anime. I can appreciate it as a medium that can convey stories that live action telos ion just can't. Japanese Harry is making me cringe, though. I'm not sure if I should laugh at him or pity him.

Well, now. Lusting after a married woman, Potter? He should be ashamed. In all honesty, I thought that one was a bit awkward, as well. Is he really only 17 or so? Ginny freely admitted to drugging her Harry. While I can understand it under the circumstances, that's still not healthy. Of course, I do support the notion. Just trying to play Devil's Advocate.
The Dark One Rising chapter 32 . 1/29/2016
That "nice" Snape scares me. At least your haven't gotten around to true Severutius fics yet. I'd love to see how Harry Potter handles being born to someone not James. Maybe somone not Lily, for that matter. The House Elf-Neville fake BWL world was my favorite.
The Dark One Rising chapter 31 . 1/29/2016
Petunia wasn't affected by dementors? Curious. Why not? Is it becuase she completely lacked magic or had some late blooming talent for it? Is it becuase she had no empathy or happy memories to steal? I don't think it's anything to do with a magical core. Muggles can't see them, but they can be affected.

Was the Dumbledore charmed to evade? She could never reach him. Actually, why didn't the dementors suck out his soul? In that form, did they not realize he had a soul?
The Dark One Rising chapter 30 . 1/29/2016
Sirius, having spent years in prison, could probably pass as 41 easily enough. I don't know how much of his time in Azkaban has shown in his new form, if at all.

Is Harry's age cumulative? How old does he appear? Thinking about it, Sirius is probably about 29 or 30. Harry would need to appear somewhere around that age to pass as Sorius' old friend. Especially since he was imprisioned at age 21, any friend younger than 17 or 18 would look suspicious. Harry can't claim to be Hogwarts, but he needs to look old enough to have known Sirius post-Hogwarts and pre-Azkaban. Basically, at minimum, Harry needs to look 25 or 26. I think he'll pass muster.
The Dark One Rising chapter 29 . 1/29/2016
We haven't run into any universes where Voldemort is still ruling into Harry's adulthood. Will that happen? I'm curious to see just what job you would an AU Potter.

Just some questions. How different is this universe? Rose is nine. Sirius has been in Azkaban for six years. That means he was inprisoned when she was three. The Potters were attacked Halloween of 1981, in canon. Harry was just over one, at about fifteen months old. Had this been canon, Sirius would have been in Azkaban for eight years. Is this a calculation error or difference between the universes?
The Dark One Rising chapter 28 . 1/29/2016
At this point, I don't even think Tobks is out of school. Rose and Dudley were are least mince, since there was a fourth year picture. However, Rose hasn't gotten a Hogwrts letter. In any event, Tonks graduates the year before Harry goes to Hogwarts. If Rose is nine or ten, Tonks might be a sixth year. If ten or eleven, a seventh year. If almost eleven, recently graduated. I'm not quite sure when this is.
The Dark One Rising chapter 27 . 1/29/2016
I do like the idea of Potter Manor. Very convenient hiding place. I expected it in Harold's world. This and others don't really have an excuse. They could have been living somewhere else before Godric's Hollow. That could have been Potter Manor. However, this chapter implied that Potter Manor was the home in Godric's Hollow. At least in canon, it had been frozen and preserved in the state that Halloween of 1981 left it in.
The Dark One Rising chapter 26 . 1/29/2016
House elf magic is going to be useful. Popping and wand less Maguc being one example. I do hope we see Neville, at some point. I want to know what happened to that bond.

You are right. Many people have requested this. Female Harry isn't uncommon. You might find it in fics where people want to pair him with a male character without writing slash. You might also find it when people want to pair him with a female and write femslash. It's just an intriguing idea. How would he have been treated differently if he was female?
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