Reviews for The Hardest Riddle
The Dark One Rising chapter 25 . 1/29/2016
That's just sad. Lucius working for and beaten by his wife? In her defense, she doesn't know it is him. That doesn't excuse beating an elf in the first place. Without Voldemort, did Malfoy ever turn out good? I think the experience actually made him a better person. He had to fear for his life and that of his parents. Ergo it the war, he would never learn fear and probably just be a snotty, rich, pompous Pureblood lord.
The Dark One Rising chapter 24 . 1/29/2016
Even if Harry doesn't bond to Neville, he'll still be bonded to the Malfoys. That should make other dimensions amusing and/or problematic. Zippy's bond is multi-dimensional, but he's a special case.

Fred, George, Neville and Snape making potions together? Imagine that in canon setting. It seems that, without the constant reminder of Lily's death, Snape isn't that bad. Well, at least not to Neville. He's probably still unpleasant. A bit less so, since Lily isn't dead and he can't blame himself.

If Fred and George get some money, they can't start WWW even sooner. Of course, they could also finish their educations. With the way this is going, Riddle might be dead before year five. Those two might not have to leave.
The Dark One Rising chapter 23 . 1/29/2016
This is amazing. I would love to see this one fully fleshed out. Did you get inspiration from anywhere? I've seen Creature Harry before, but not House Elf. If so, only as shot one-shot jokes.
The Dark One Rising chapter 22 . 1/29/2016
Now, this is what I'm talking about. Something genuinely unique. I'm sure it's out there, but I've never actually seen House-Elf Harry.
The Dark One Rising chapter 21 . 1/29/2016
WoW is fun, but it is just a game. I'm surpsied some sort of mod didn't try and do something. In any event, that Riddle was ridiculously easy. Not as bad as that first one. It could also just be the prolonged exposure.
The Dark One Rising chapter 20 . 1/29/2016
I still can't believe you picked WoW. Eveyone is so nice here. Relatively speaking. Compared to their counterparts, while more simplistic, they are much more pleasant company to keep.

Theoretically speaking, how is this world possible? It's a universe from a game. I'd it exists, do all fictional universes exist? Is Middle Earth or Discworld real? They are entirely different universes, not some variant of events on Earth.
The Dark One Rising chapter 19 . 1/29/2016
That's what I've been waiting for. Something fundamentally different. I wasn't thinking along the lines of a video game, however. Well, close enough.

I meant to ask this, but I had forgotten to do so. Doesn't matter what time he appears in? In the universe with Azkaban Harry, it was the year 1997. In the world with the four Potters, it was also 1997, seeing as how Harry had died a little over a year ago, at the end of his fifth year in 1996. Still, Azkaban Harry had taken place in fall of 1997, which is after spring of 1997.

Harry had been gone about a year. I don't know if he's been hopping chronologically, however. It would seem to be so, if not for the discrepancy in the most recent universe with the four Potters.
The Dark One Rising chapter 18 . 1/29/2016
Ah. Speak of the devil and he shall appear. A paring that isn't Harry and Ginny. Mhufflepuff Harry and Hermione? I'm curious about how that will turn out. Their experiences were similar but different. How well would two people from different worlds be, having known the counterparts? What if they make incorrect assumptions based on different lives?
The Dark One Rising chapter 17 . 1/29/2016
I'm hoping you'll at least mention various other pairings. Most have been focused on Ginny. She's been anything from fangirl to insane gold digger. There are other popular pairings. If not a specific one, why not a harem?
The Dark One Rising chapter 16 . 1/29/2016
How long is it going to take him to get back to his original universe? I'm just curious. Most of the Riddles he's dealt with haven't been all that menacing. Being from the first universe, I would assume that his is one of the, if not the, most difficult to defeat.

How does that numbering system work? 1 is canon Harry. The first alternate you showed readers, where Sirius ended up, was somewhere in the 4000s. Does the number go higher the more different the universes are? Is it numbered based on how early the divergences were? How similar they are?
The Dark One Rising chapter 15 . 1/28/2016
There are those differences I was looking for. I suppose you made them act the same to highlight the oddity of he situation. That, and the fact that they are all Harry Potters with very similar backgrounds.
The Dark One Rising chapter 14 . 1/28/2016
Are you trying to say something here? Those descptiokns felt like an character analysis of various AU portrayals. Fairly accurate, too. I might have to disagree about the Sbape one. Some people just can't stand the man.

Well, i got the Harry Potters from other Houses. I didn't expect them all at once. Some stories do drastically change Harry, if he had been Sorted differently. This is maintained that they are very similar. I, at least, think he would have changed a bit, influenced by different people and friends. Slytherin Harry might have hid instead of casting Reducto. Ravenclaw Harry would have been able to use a more complex spell to distract the others with. Hifflepuff Harry may have decided cautiously check out the scene before acting.
The Dark One Rising chapter 13 . 1/28/2016
I'm really, truly, just waiting for Harry to stumble into a universe so different that he doesn't know what to do with himself.

On a different note, interesting chapter. I liked getting to see how things have been Hong. It's been a bit over a year, if he left in summer of 1996. The guilt reactions are similar to those found in Azkaban Harry fics. Dumbledore is still decidedly unpleasant.
The Dark One Rising chapter 12 . 1/28/2016
Just how many Bind Terminator potions did Snape give Harry? I doubt Harry could brew it himself, and it seems unlikely that it would be floating around, even on the black market. That's why Harry needed to talk to the basilisk. Since they creatures haven't been spotted in an age, I don't honk even the most nefarious could acquire the venom.
The Dark One Rising chapter 11 . 1/28/2016
I do hope Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw Harry will make an appearance. Those ones are less common than Slytherin Harry. Oohhh...What about a Harry raised by Snape, the Longbottoms or Dumbledore? Riddle, even?
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