Reviews for The Darker Side |
TheLoneDoctorVII chapter 10 . 2/20 GAHHH. I'm so late on this story. I need an ending. |
vampdreams chapter 10 . 8/24/2020 This was brilliant! I wish you had continued But I loved it, your Saarin Potter voice in the head, the relationship between Harry and Remus, and with Tonks of course. Thanks for sharing ! |
Yaw6113 chapter 10 . 11/26/2019 Please write the next chapter already. Thank you very much. I really appreciated it and liked it a lot. |
joshuaosman123456789 chapter 10 . 4/4/2018 Great story love the characters wish there was more tho |
Lunar-Hedgehog chapter 10 . 10/18/2015 "Gemini conjured two wolves and sent them towards Grindelwald.". Who the fuck is Gemini? Saarin Potter, and gellert Grindelwald are fighting. Who is Gemini? |
imnotraven16 chapter 10 . 8/17/2015 excellent story |
Lord Asmodeus chapter 1 . 6/13/2015 This was utter rubbish. I was hoping for his 'Dark side' to actually kill the Dursleys, and kill Shacklebolt, but no, it had to be another cliche in which the 'conscience' of a abused child emerges victorious. How bloody plausible. |
misherukuro chapter 10 . 1/24/2015 Very engaging story thanks for the read. , |
SuperSaiyanTeemo chapter 10 . 4/12/2014 Good work so far, interesting to see a voice in harry's head that is not the horcrux for once |
guhgiog08e9rhiogoiheg98whgiogo chapter 10 . 2/4/2014 Awesome story! Please continue it! |
Doctor Dandy chapter 1 . 4/24/2012 this is crap |
Xadro chapter 1 . 7/13/2010 Harry was awesome at the beginning of this chapter, now hes simply a clown and everyone laughs at him. Why do you hate Harry? |
WhiteElfElder chapter 10 . 4/21/2010 Did Voldemort snapping back into himself happen at the same time as the exorcism? If so, does that mean the exorcism also released whatever of Voldemort that was in Harry back to Voldemort? If that is the case, then Harry should no longer have that "killer" side to himself I hope; a powerful and benevolent Harry is always better than a powerful and malevolent Harry. |
Mechconstrictor chapter 10 . 12/30/2008 Great story and I hope to see more of it. |
PulsatingPurplePowerPiston chapter 10 . 12/2/2008 Well, it's not the most compelling writing style I've ever come across, but it is turning into an interesting story. Of course, it would likely be even better if there were... MORE HONKS! Sorry, just had to get that out of my system. I will say this, I've seen the concept of blood magic used before (ad nauseaum) but only a few times have I seen it refered to as being connected to the power of ancesters. But never, ever, have I encountered the concept of using blood magic to call upon the powers of ancestors in the middle of a duel, on the fly as it were. That was simply brilliant. And the way you worked it into the duel made the whole thing much more interesting. The concept of having Kingsley be someone loyal to Harry is also a new wrinkle. I'm curious why you chose him. Is it due to the character itself, or is it because you needed someone to be loyal to Harry while at the same time knowing, trusting, and being friendly with Tonks? Remus is, of course, loyal to Harry, but I'm a little confused on the whole Remus helped Sirius escape. Is this supposed to be compliant with PoA or is this supposed to be an element of your AU? I like the character of Saarin. Not much, usually, for dominant OC's, but the sarcastic wit and well developed impatients with the "softer" emotions is nicely pulled off. Actually, now that I think about it, most of my favorite OC's tend to be snake/familiars for Harry. Funny how Saarin almost seems to fit the part. Now that he's out of Harry, I'm curious to see how their relationship will change. The down side of that, however, is that it appears that soon we will have a few (or at least one) chapter of mega training. We're about to have an 80's movie montage moment I think... Oh well, can't be helped. All I can ask is that if you DO need to take up a lot of training in a little bit of time that still seems to stretch out over multiple chapters, put some other stuff in there. And I don't mean just action scenes or plot twists. Those in between times (if not whole chapters) need to be filled with some development of Harry. And while you've been brilliant so far with Harry's personal development, I'm sorry to say that some of the interpersonal development has been lacking. Yes I want more HONKS, but at the same time you need to deal with Ron and Hermione. Harry's relationsihp with the rest of the Weasleys and perhaps the Order. Definitly Dumbles, and might I recommend that you maybe do a short stint from his POV so we can see his reaction to all of the things Harry is doing. (BTW, was it your intintion to point fingers at Dumbles and/or his brother as Gindewald's other master? Just seemed like there was a point in that direction is all.) OH! Before I forget. Rita Skeeter... Anti-transformation ward, two cans of Raid, a cherry bomb, and some duct tape. (Believe me, that is the least graphic of my ideas for her.) I've always dispised Rita in a way that I usually don't do for a fictional character. I can forgive most of the bad guys to some degree. Most of the actally think they are on the correct side of the ideological debate, in some twisted manner. Rita, on the other had, is greedy on a level rarely seen. It's not that she bases her ideas and ideals of right and wrong on her greed, it's that she is completely oblivious to them and only recognized "right" and "wrong" as angles to write a story to get what she wants. In a way she is the most sociopathic character in the whole Potterverse. This "greed is all" attitude is probably why I hate the Malfoy's as well, but at least they have one saving grace of "family loyalty" if nothing else. Looking back, I'm not loving the update schedual you seem to be following. (More story, more soon, more HONKS.) Right now it seems your story can go either way. I can pick up, continue to be inventive, and have the highlights of humor and sarcasm to lighten it. Or, you can let go, give into the darkness, and let it become too heavy, ponderous, bogged down in so much angst bad vibes that it is a chore to read as opposed to a joy. Best of luck with that! Cheers. |