Reviews for Healing Her Wounds
JBoyes07 chapter 32 . 4/21/2022
Old story I know. Just wanted to comment and say it was good up until Allie was killed. But then it was just insane, like how stupid and uncaring are we supposed to believe the Cullens are? Like, lets leave this child with a dude who has literally said he will hurt her, and thought about killing her(which Edward knew) and not have anyone there to look after this girl that the whole family supposedly loves... Just too unrealistic.
Guest chapter 4 . 6/16/2020
Oatmeal Raisin. I think I found another favorite!
Guest chapter 3 . 6/16/2020
Reviews are also energy drinks, to make your fingers type faster and your mind think more about the plot. Correct?
BarTheVampirePrincess chapter 24 . 4/16/2020
Oh my god I just cried
BarTheVampirePrincess chapter 23 . 4/16/2020
Oh my god no! Allie!
I can't believe Mike just killed Allie. No. Please don't.
Guest chapter 26 . 4/9/2020
You got me crying.. I never cry.. stop that.
Guest chapter 25 . 4/9/2020
Now why not do that before.. he killed his baby girl?
Marymary123 chapter 24 . 4/9/2020
Did you have to kill that baby? I would hate to write this chapter...sad
Marymary123 chapter 13 . 4/9/2020
In my opinion Charlie's disinterest in being a parent or his inability led Bella to be so dependent on the Cullen family. Her own let her down over and over. So he still does not pick up on what has happened. with him on the floor Bella should call him to come over and see what has happened. File charges restraining orders and file for divorce and as the only parent to Allie. Dissolve his rights to her completely. Then one night on his way home from work he gets drunk and wrecks his car. Walla.. no more Mike.
Marymary123 chapter 9 . 4/9/2020
I can not wait for him to assault Mike. In a huge way
me chapter 26 . 4/5/2020
I just can't help but keep picturing allie when Bella and Edward found her and I keep crying because of it
me chapter 24 . 4/5/2020
I don't know what to say. I'm going to continue reading but this... This chapter... I cried the whole way through and I- I just... It wasn't how I would I have liked it to end up
Guest chapter 32 . 3/28/2020
Screw this story, idc it’s from 2008 killing Allie was a horrible stupid decision
Guest chapter 27 . 3/28/2020
This could have been a good story but you killed Allie for no reason
Guest chapter 6 . 5/1/2019
Where is Allie?
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