Reviews for In the Lap of the Gods
Pjag57 chapter 1 . 1/23/2024
The scene where the sun poked out from the clouds reminded me of the story that my sister told about my mother's passing. it was very cloudy out and all the sudden off in the distance you saw you saw the sun's rays coming down to the ground. It was only for a couple minute and in that period my mother passed. My Sister said that she then thought "St Peter can relax now - Kay (my mother) is in charge."
Guest chapter 5 . 12/24/2020
I still sometimes think of this story and this chapter and wonder what these prophecies mean. What is the Horror?! What sacrifice?!
Coriandergirl chapter 7 . 12/18/2020
I'm pretty terrible about leaving reviews, since I'm most often too consumed with the need to charge on and continue reading as fast as possible. However, I've been methodically reading through all of your work over the past couple of weeks, and I just wanted to take this moment to say that yours is my absolute favorite realization of the happenings of the Golden Age. You've truly fleshed out the world and its people in a way that feels true and honest and beloved. Thank you!
Also, I wanted to remark on the satisfaction of reading the prophecies given by the Gamayun and knowing the correct interpretation from hindsight. You weave your tales as richly as the tapestry weavers.
TortoisetheStoryteller chapter 6 . 12/3/2020
Oh, the character growth! The deepening in who Susan is!
flight9 chapter 8 . 4/17/2019
Firebreathingmarauder chapter 8 . 8/26/2017
amazing as always with your work! please write another chapter to explain the prophesies! I got some but what is the Horror? and the chess? and the music? I loved it so much though! I will forever be waiting for more stories from you!
quarterhorseranch chapter 8 . 8/31/2013
I love how you have developed Susan!

*dies from multiple hints to unwritten stories*

BTW, in chapter 7, I had trouble figuring out whose point of view it was from. At first I thought Edmund, then I thought Peter until later when the character mentioned asking about Aslan and then put their foot (or hoof, haha) in their mouth, and then I was like, that has to be Lucy.

And Lucy makes a lot more sense than Peter. XD
DAForever62442 chapter 8 . 7/6/2013
Loved this :) You should continue it, I'd like to see what the riddles meant and what the Horror is.
MCH chapter 8 . 6/19/2013
Great story and it foreshadow much that is to come from Narnia and the Kings and Queens. Thanks for this story.
Allie Danger chapter 8 . 10/21/2012
so awesome :)
why is edmund always getting the dark things?
love that! jajajajaja
beware the Horror? what Horror?!
jajajaja love it
Epsilon Scorpii chapter 8 . 12/31/2011
Completely magical...

Epsilon Scorpii
Name chapter 7 . 9/16/2011
"You must be very ol - wise," Love that line sooo much. For all that they are kings and queens of Narnia and have grown into those roles so well, they are still children and that is not a bad thing.
loveladybug chapter 8 . 5/23/2011
OH MY GOODNESS! That was amazing! Your writing is beautiful and the story was breathtaking. The way you incorperated so many things from the later books was ingenious. I could keep going for a while but it's kind of late and my mother doesn't exactly know I'm on the computer :) But I do have one question for you: are you a Christian? I understand totally if you choose not to answer that due to the fact that it is a very intimate question, but you seem to have a great knowledge of God's love, or at least a very deep love. Thank you for sharing your gift with us. God bless and get more rest than I'm going to get!
Lionheart Rising chapter 5 . 3/22/2011
I love the line where Peter says that his friends and comrades realized that their fate (or doom) was to be family men. It cracks me up all the time.
Golden Mean chapter 7 . 2/22/2011
Two days ago I was bored and started to read Narnia fanfiction for lack of anything better to do. Lucky for me, the works I started with were yours. And now, halfway down the list of works, I've finally felt compelled to review.I greatly enjoyed the adventures you wrote for Peter and Edmund, but it is this story-and Susan in particular-that have touched me the most.

As I grew older,I sympathized more with Susan left in the 'real world' while at the end her siblings went to Narnia. But that one quote -"Even if you choose the boxwood path to reach what you desire it will still bring you home"- gave hope to me that Susan will eventually reach Narnia again, even if it be at later date than everyone else.

Of course, Susan is not the only person I have been paying attention too. I quite liked everyone elses' prophecies and the way they tied into Prince Caspian. I could have sworn, however, that the siblings were told that they'd be glad of those apple trees someday by the Head Mole or Badger or whatnot. I don't have my copy of the book with me, and the story works fine either way, but it's just one of those annoying niggling continuity bits that always plague me.

Keep up the good writing!
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