Reviews for Face Down |
HatersGonnaHateVegeta chapter 47 . 1/8/2018 This story NEEDS to be's been almost a decade since you updated it. PLEASE do so again, for the sake of what's left of all of our sanities. |
adelphe24 chapter 47 . 4/7/2014 UPDATE! I think i know who was volunteering when he fell off the table! |
Guest chapter 47 . 5/4/2013 AWWW! I've gotten to the last chapter. This was so good and so much more could be added. why did you stop updating for years. |
Lunar Mist chapter 47 . 9/17/2012 ... No update? :( Plea revive this. It's simply amazing. |
Bochord of Leaspell chapter 47 . 4/12/2012 ARG! No update since 2009 and I'm VERY tempted to pull my hair out of my head. Violently. |
Anonymous chapter 47 . 4/7/2012 Well that's one heck of a cliffhanger… and I think it's safe to assume this won't get finished (at least anytime soon), but I hope one day you will remember it and find the time to finish it :) |
Mercedes Wolfcry chapter 47 . 11/22/2011 I await another update soon yes? |
jazzgirl84 chapter 47 . 9/18/2010 This is an excellent story! I really like the whole Barricade turning soft because of love. I have been reading this story for a while now, and I am hoping you continue on and finish. It would be a shame to see it just stop with so much good stuff going on. Please continue on and leave us with a certain ending. A mech to a femme...VERY interesting. I can't wait to see who Ratchet finds to do this, it could be very fun. And this was something Wheeljack was working on? Oh how I love crazy Wheeljack. So many possibilities here... Hopefully we get another chapter to this wonderful story. |
Moonheart chapter 47 . 9/14/2010 Oooooooh! Wow! Bravo! This is wonderful a joy to read! I hope tahr you carry this amazing fiction. On! |
Ladyleyn chapter 47 . 8/17/2010 This is an amazing story! I realize that you are busy with life and all, but I do hope that you will be able to finish this :) |
Sunstreaker's Squishy chapter 47 . 4/23/2010 Where are you? This is a really, really good story. Are you overseas? |
ChiyukiLuvs2Glomp chapter 47 . 1/31/2010 o.0 BURNOUT YOU NEED TO LIVE! LIVE! so suspenseful TToTT |
Orcafreak3 chapter 47 . 1/8/2010 This story is amazing! Keep up the great work! I can't wait for the next chapter. |
Diinya-chan chapter 47 . 12/19/2009 Wow. First time I've been greeted by name in another Author's fic! (grins like an idiot) Heh. I love you, too. Another great chapter. Honey, as long as you update, I don't care how long it takes or the size of the update. Glad to see there's hope. That sweet little femme has wormed her way into my heart...and my O.C. really wants to hug her. Go figure. _; |
Misao-CG chapter 47 . 12/18/2009 ** ::glomps:: I'm still hanging in here with this fic, it's just too awesome to forget, and this chapter was no exception, really, you never cease to amaze me. I hope that Ratchet will be able to find a solution fast... or maybe he did find the solution, now... to put that theory into practice... ::hugs Ratchet:: GOOD LUCK! *O* o.o I Just Hugged Ratchet... ::hides in fear:: Here, have an inspirational Kiwi. n_n TAKE CARE! MISAO-CG |