Reviews for Unthinkable
Spnlady chapter 3 . 5/7/2022
This story was really great, I wish it was an episode! Thank you for sharing your wonderful story with us.
Visionairy chapter 1 . 2/14/2022
I found your story on the favorites list of another author I really like. I truly enjoyed your story. It was unique, believable, and heartfelt. And I can certainly see Sam doing something like that. I particularly liked Dean‘s plan at the end, and then the way you had him toss away the seeds because he refused to see that as a back up plan. Very well written, and excited to see what else you have.
Maddie chapter 1 . 7/15/2018
That’s got to be some of the most accurate Dean parenting I’ve ever seen. Deep concern partially covered by light banter. You write their interactions really well.
XXXXXDELETEDXXXXX chapter 3 . 1/17/2018
This was... intense
Amberdreams chapter 3 . 7/26/2015
Found this via someone's rec list and I can see why it was on there. Even after ten seasons, this still rings true for both Sam and Dean. Sam's logic and desperation, and Dean's total focus on Sam is perfectly drawn. Powerful and emotional stuff!
Rafaela Amanda chapter 3 . 7/8/2015
This story was great, I always thought this subject: '' You have to save him and can not will have to kill it '' very tense.
Tense both Dean and for Sam
Thinking that his own father had to say this to your brother, you can become something evil, it should be a lot to handle. I understand why he did it and thought these things. It is a heavy burden, poor Sammy so cute, and then crying in the arms of his older brother
And Dean is also bad, he took care and protected his little brother all his life and now have it, surely he could never kill his brother and rather die even
Despite this problem, I still love the season 2 and I think one of the best series. Both were still so well and still had all dynamic overprotective older brother
I always try stories this season
LunaBianca chapter 3 . 6/9/2015
Thank you, I enjoyed this. You're right, Sam or Dean poisoning themselves (by means other than alcohol) is a dicey preposition, but you explore their fears and coping mechanisms well. Strong characterizations and dialogue; thanks for showing both perspectives.
Guest chapter 3 . 4/9/2015
Now this really is amazing writing.
ArcanePracti-cat chapter 3 . 2/10/2015
Awwww! wonderful epilogue. I like how it's rather an insert into the hospital part from the last chapter. And, to me at least, the seeds thing Dean does was rather well done, too. I mean, f*ck fate, right? Winchesters gonna do things their way! And their way means they both stay alive and well.

...yup. er, anyway. wonderful fic. :D
ArcanePracti-cat chapter 2 . 2/10/2015
Ahh, saaaam...
Yep, lovely story. hnnn, neat hospital-visit addition. ...though I don't know how they've stayed out of trouble while they're handling this- you'd think with their luck they'd end up with a hospital ghost or something. xD
ArcanePracti-cat chapter 1 . 2/10/2015
...! Ahhh, Sam!
Don't do it... Dean would be so sad... Ahhhh...
this better not spiral to dark on me, here. ;) hahaha!
Loosely Divided chapter 3 . 2/6/2015
I cannot use words to convey how much I love this story. It's not an exaggeration when I say I've read this at least 20 times. I love love LOVE this.
Mendai Decovrii chapter 3 . 7/3/2014
I really enjoyed this. I thought you did a good job of capturing how they manage their relationship - lies and truths and subtext and all. I appreciated the way you made Dean hold off on forgiving Sam. When you described Dean's expressions in Ch 2 when he first walks into Sam's room as flat, not because he didn't care but because Sam wasn't forgiven yet, it modified my imagination just perfectly so I knew just what you were talking about. Your tone was also very pleasant (wry and sentimental and cynical all at the same time). And your ending was wonderful as well. Nicely done!
Azrael DiAngelo chapter 3 . 1/31/2014
Aaaaaw...this is why I love Dean! I think you captured his voice and protectiveness of Sammy perfectly!
LaueHime chapter 3 . 12/11/2013
Nice story ! I've read a number of stories about how messed up Sam was after Meg and I think this one was by far one of my favorites ! good job !
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