Reviews for Tide of Destiny Part One: Choices
Con Brio chapter 34 . 12/8/2021
I have read your stories so many times, always coming back to read again and again! I absolutely adore this piece of work. The description of Eomer and Lothiriel’s meeting always gives me goosebumps and makes me smile. Thank you ever so much for sharing your work with us. It is wonderful to have such quality of work available for all to read. Well done you!
guest chapter 34 . 10/31/2020
Epic indeed! Epic in length, plot and characters! I love it! Loved the start with both Eomer and Lothiriel's early life; his friendship with Bergit and Edwick and her terrible encounter with Umar, following both as they grew up and what they had to face, with the war, the last battles and the peace. Especially Lothiriel's life for years, because of Umar was dramatic. Eomer changed that and their courtship until the marriage was wonderful. I loved her relationship with her brothers, each one special in his own way and the sideplots with their lives. All the OCs (and they were many) were truly amazing, complimenting the protagonists and the events with their stories, without being boring; on the contrary they spiced up the plot. Thank you for sharing with us such a gem!
xXMizz Alec VolturiXx chapter 34 . 8/25/2019
Fantastic story! Excited to read part 2
NotAMemberyet chapter 34 . 1/17/2017
Lovely story! I can't believe I hadn't read it yet... honestly, I think I'm out of E/L stories... :-( I hope you write a new one soon! Loved it.
berry-cool chapter 34 . 9/19/2016
Amazing. Just amazing. I read it all in one go. Thank you so much for such a wonderful story!
EStrunk chapter 34 . 8/9/2016
I've read the rest of the story while on the road so I've been unable to review. Thanks for an absolutely wonderful journey. I love your original characters - esp. Meren and Welwyn. I love the detail you provide, from the gross with the sick baby to the beautiful at the wedding. So fun to have guest appearances by Gandalf and Shadowfax at the end. The perfect wedding gift for Rohirrim! Amrothos' interference during the sparring cracked me up.
EStrunk chapter 20 . 8/8/2016
I love the detail of their march. I was feeling so happy after the Pellanor Field victory that it took a while to remember how desperate their attack on the Black Gate was. The letter, and Lothiriel and Elphir's reactions to it, helped. Poor Pippin, although all of them who knew the plan would feel the same discouragement to think Frodo was dead. Yay for the eagles!
EStrunk chapter 19 . 8/8/2016
So happy to watch the friendship start between Eomer and Amthoros. Lothiriel's melancholy is tearing at my heart.
EStrunk chapter 18 . 8/7/2016
Whew! So glad that Lothiriel was saved! Yay Elphir! Too bad he was so mad at Lothiriel, but Sergion helped. The arrival of Aragorn and the army of the dead was awesome.
EStrunk chapter 17 . 8/7/2016
No, Lothiriel! I was so afraid that she would do that. Just when hope is about to come to Minas Tirith. Eomer's talk with Eowyn was heart-breaking.
EStrunk chapter 16 . 8/7/2016
Loved Aragorn the healer. Eothain's new interest is wonderful too. I hope Lothiriel didn't cause too much trouble, but it doesn't seem wise to let the siegers get too close.
EStrunk chapter 15 . 8/7/2016
Even knowing that Helm's Deep will turn out okay, this is hard to read. Not hard to read because of bad writing, but hard to read because of fantastic writing. I'm just so scared for them. Their foes seem so numberless. Lothiriel's situation is almost worse because I have no idea what will happen. The feeling of being penned in is awful.
EStrunk chapter 14 . 8/7/2016
Yay Gandalf! So excited to have Theoden liberated. And the Black Serpent?
EStrunk chapter 12 . 8/7/2016
So tragic - Bergit and Edwick! I am glad they saved their children. What happened to the pony? Glad their mad dash was able to save most of the village. I love watching Lothiriel and Faramir, esp. her vision for him. Lady Tinusel should be fun.
EStrunk chapter 11 . 8/7/2016
Creepy premonition with Denethor. Sad to see the fear that lingers in Lothiriel. Grima's control of Theoden is so horrible.
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