Reviews for Broken Hearts, Shattered Dreams
Guest chapter 12 . 2/6/2017
when in his new office Naruto had put the art of fall comerds on the wall like hitled uncle on the wall to suiske own bother too ,on his duck is one of his mom and dad the 4 hokled ,the 2 of the 3 and him when the old men had live and Naruto it 4 had the old men hat on him and the old me was happle too . the 3 was of him and ion get marring . his son and ex wife and him it time of it . he woking on a cub bed room to sheep in and it is #b5 his home now . when it woking he had some time to puthis 1 guop patherd on the wall the 2 was of his chnde days with #4009 .009 a army in the hioy days , the 3 of his own tame when his is jhon with 2 boys and 1 gril , not like his own sel he do more for his team and his is bast force too.
Guest chapter 11 . 2/6/2017
when Naruto had get his own spy networking to woking with and some time he had money form the mob boss own inc he took from he had it buit when he took over as the fox king and he was good it running it when woking on the land of lives own and he mand a men cave in his new home and a office too , when in the office Naruto had picleds of his mom and dad the 3 hokled and bothhis 1 wife and son sarkura and the 2 wfe ion in it with her mom and dad both his god father and mom too ..when it the meetng with the council he had some lides of his own spy networking a army too and some time he put in his own cub bed room in the old fox king old home too , when woking with the council he had the caune of thew now dead council meber gaving up a big size hom in the noth of te woods when Naruto put the new libey in and some time he had his time in the cub home he had buit to live in and some time he sheelp in it too.
Nhanke13 chapter 22 . 2/2/2017
I have to say, it takes a lot to make me emotional (at least when I'm reading.) But to say i was just crying when Hikaru died would be a serious understatement. I was literally bawling my eyes out. I don't really have to say much about this AMAZING story you have wrote; all I have to say I'd I've read it probably like six or seven times and EVER single time I'm hooked. I just can't seem to put my phone down. So from the bottom of my heart thank you. This was the besthird fanfiction I've ever read.
Guest chapter 12 . 1/30/2017
when in his new office Naruto had put the art of fall comerds on the wall like hitled uncle on the wall to suiske own bother too ,on his duck is one of his mom and dad the 4 hokled ,the 2 of the 3 and him when the old men had live and Naruto it 4 had the old men hat on him and the old me was happle too . the 3 was of him and ion get marring . his son and ex wife and him it time of it . he woking on a cub bed room to sheep in and it is #b5 his home now . when it woking he had some time to puthis 1 guop patherd on the wall the 2 was of his chnde days with #4009 .009 a army in the hioy days , the 3 of his own tame when his is jhon with 2 boys and 1 gril , not like his own sel he do more for his team and his is bast force too.
Guest chapter 11 . 1/30/2017
when in the fox kingomn nartuo had find the old fox king office and he put his failmy pather on his dusck some art too form the red light days he live in and find them in a old rooms when he live in it or 6 yreas old and some playcards too and book clovers art of hi mack out palds woman with big size bodds too some as warroris he mand and others he kown too . when in his cub home Naruto had time woking on a spy netwokte he kown need and pay for out of mob money he took form the goit inc and it is sub inc too , his spys was a blue fox he kown as hogle mcclound a old time warrior and it the time of the evil fox king in Naruto had live in the cub homes when no celnd had not wathed him in it and it was werthe clune , he now woking with Naruto .
Kamen Rider Ultimate chapter 8 . 1/24/2017
Haha! I love this story. Especially your method of punishing Sasuke. Haha, I couldn't stop laughing. Overall, this is a very good story. Is there any chance of a one-shot about Naruto's life in the demon world after Hikaru's death (I have finished the story, I just wanted to put the review on the chapter with my favorite part.
Guest chapter 14 . 1/19/2017
when back home Naruto find out the fox in him had ower ship of a home in the vaillge before he was born a 3 fluor home with 3 bedrooms and 2 bathirooms in it and some time Naruto had the home when he was aspymather for the vaillge and he had mand into his office and way back to the fox rimer too .
mrnoname chapter 16 . 1/17/2017
should've just said at the start of the story ino becomes a fucking god since narutos just her lil bitch and there's no point of him in this story if ino just tells him what to do all the time while he just sits there and takes it since he's totally not the king of demons, plus supposedly be the strongest being alive. I'm done reading.
x5irANDREASx chapter 1 . 1/11/2017
Demonic VD? LMFAO thats fucking hilarious. i have laugbed so hard in a long time lol.
aPancake chapter 23 . 12/30/2016
Imma go cry like a wee babe for awhile. Amazing ending my friend, simply amazing
Harambe chapter 23 . 12/25/2016
This is the best story i ever read during christmas. I was feeling lonely and this has brought me to tears hats off to the author.
Corey Crider chapter 13 . 12/6/2016
I love your story very imaginative but this chapter is by far my favorite cause the for who tried to speak of the flames of youth I love guy sense and Lee they put a smile on my face when they talk this is a awsome story keep it up
Guest chapter 2 . 12/4/2016
when Naruto had now be now the fox king he buit his own spynetwoking to keep up with his fromer home village and other vilages too when in why was the sound village Naruto found it in a mass of derd men womnd on the guound even child too is mack him sick and found the cells in the same way too with the most pounldes be took out and kill off too and the gaunds kill off too . when in the office and bed room of the founder Naruto find it sill one good picleds with te old guop picled on the wall of the sanlke andhis own tema mebres sill youer and his fromer sel too Naruto took it with him and the files he had on his own teas lub and other others too , Naruto then had found good rice and oter fuit and vebles to sell the good stiff in the matles back home andthen he bund the sounld vaillge as it was a moinld to a mad man who Naruto know kill his fainld and foe it the time and Naruto fell like it was need to go way when he was a spy for his home vaillge and saw the end of the road for when sit in power he will not like the old fox in him yers back .
Guest chapter 23 . 12/1/2016
omg I cried so much so much filling in this story but you get a sad and good ending of this story... I a man of very few words and I have a hard time showing fillings. but I am crying as I right this all the fillings I have been holding back just come un done all at one time and I think you for putting so much effort in this story I love it every bit of it I thank you... I hope a lot of ppl are as appreciative as I am to read your story and fill the fillings that you put in to it... I know u had to cry righting the story I know u put a lot of your fillings in to it I thank you for the story I hope u right more and not just ff story I hope u get a book out in stores one day I know you will be a very good righter...
ones again I thank you for the story have a good day/life

from derek.
Guest chapter 1 . 11/30/2016
when before sarkua had going out of Naruto and his son life Naruto was a spy mather and bounyhther too . he took mony form the mob run incs to help his famiy and thenueds the other of it to buit a his author shoerd offices in the old red light bulierd of town it was his old room he had live in when he was hikled age of 4 yerds it sill as his old dice and playing cards and other things he had save up and hinding form the builys in the vaillger and his former oplred too .
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