Reviews for Persuasion
r'n'rb chapter 3 . 12/16/2007
this story is the definition of tension - it just slowly builds up throughout each chapter and then at the end I'm left thinking omg omg what happens next.

I like that Logan is , or at least believing he is no longer in love with her, it adds to the mix and if they were still unrequited-ly into each to each other it would be over the top.

Brilliantly written.

Tricia dSC chapter 3 . 12/16/2007
This is a wonderful story so far. I loved 'Ode to the Avocado', and I'm loving this just as much. Persuasion is definately one of my top favorite Austen novels [second to Pride and Prejudice, I think], and it fits so damn well with Rory and Logan. Though I understand the use for David's character, I think it would also have been nice to have Rory be alone, just like Anne was, to show the consequences of her refusing Logan/Frederick. I was squirming in my seat this chapter because I too can't believe that Logan could ever not love Rory. I hope you update soon, and I think I'm going to reread Persuasion... ]
clumsyjuliet27 chapter 3 . 12/16/2007
This story is amazing! You better get rid of Louisa, I hate her already. I think that David being her cousin is the greatest plot twister I have ever read!
gosophie chapter 3 . 12/16/2007
this is so well-written. you know how to make the characters express themselves in very realistic ways. loved the bird metaphor. and the part where logan was considering killing himself. way to have variety- it was deep and funny at the same time.
hazynights8 chapter 3 . 12/16/2007
persuasion is one of my favorites, and you are handling it beautifully. a lot of writers would follow the book way to closely and the fic would be boring, but you add in just enough variance to make the parallels really shine. please update as soon as you can!
lovelee chapter 3 . 12/16/2007
great update! how can you possibly write this well? i loved how you did logan, and i'm glad he doesn't really love louisa- though i guess it mirrors persuasion and wentworth didn't love louisa either. o is she going to get hurt or something? like the four of them go on vacation together and she somehow almost dies? hmm i'm sure any way you take it will be awesome!
AlwaysHoldingOn chapter 3 . 12/16/2007
I loved it! it was really well written and I have read some Austen but I have not read Persuasion I so want to read it, I really love this fic and, I know they'll get together eventually and this is kinda of torture for me but it's so worth it cause you're an amazing writer :D
Namama chapter 3 . 12/16/2007
i thought you wrote logan very well. it has to be shown that rory changed him. you write beautifully and i look forward to your next update!
Sandra Starck chapter 3 . 12/16/2007
Persuasion is my second favourite novel by Jane Austen. I think it fits completely with how Rory/Logan ended and how it could have evolved. This chapter has been my favourite so far...especially with Logan's comments in parentheses.

I'm looking forward to their meeting.

It's funny that you called the Lousia Musgrove character also Louisa.
Loyal Reader chapter 3 . 12/16/2007
Of course you had difficulty writing about Logan not loving Rory because in our R/L world the two will always love each other... not loving is not part of the reality. As always your writing is awesome. Please update soon because waiting for the next chapter is always, always very hard.
citygrl chapter 3 . 12/16/2007
persuasion is my favorite austen novel. i just adore this story. im so impressed that you can write something like this, i certainly can't!
Butterfly Dreamer chapter 2 . 12/14/2007
I feel like I should change my pen name to Gusher Girl or something because whenever I finish a chapter of your stories that's all I seem to want to do. But I'll restrain myself: Beautifully written as always. Maybe I've said this before but with most fanfics I skip stuff but with your work, I read every word cos I don't want to miss it.

Oh dear, I think that review equates to gushing. At least it's good for your self esteem(?)
Moelli chapter 2 . 12/14/2007
Great story! I already love it! Please continue soon with it...
valentina chapter 2 . 12/13/2007
loved the chapter! And I love Persuasion, it's probably my 2nd favourite book of Jane Austen's...
gosophie chapter 2 . 12/10/2007
great update! i'm glad there's another good rogan out there!
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