Reviews for Almost a Squib
bella my love chapter 4 . 8/11
Quite a good read
Guest chapter 7 . 7/1
Oh my Gosh, that was amazing! I enjoyed every minute of that!
Guest chapter 3 . 7/1
Okay, this is getting really funny! If Harry ends up killing Voldy with a crossbow then I might just lose it.
Guest chapter 2 . 7/1
Harry surviving Hogwarts on pranks alone is very funny!
MurfPlebeian chapter 7 . 6/29
this is literally so great the best harry potter stories ive ever read
callmequinn21 chapter 1 . 5/12
Not about the story, but the date. i saw 2008, and immediately thought of the fact it was the year I was born. I'm literally as old as this fic. Cool.
MagykQueste chapter 7 . 4/7
So… how much did the Elder Wand help Harry?

Thanks for this fic. I love it so!
MagykQueste chapter 6 . 4/6
I ever mention how much I love that crossbow?
MagykQueste chapter 5 . 4/5
I hope the next chapter has more Luna/Harry friendship!
MagykQueste chapter 4 . 4/4
Ha! Half brick in a sock does it again!

Loved the convo with the Sphinx!
MagykQueste chapter 3 . 4/3
Love the crossbow and the half brick in a sock!
MagykQueste chapter 2 . 4/3
That Draco rumour tho
MagykQueste chapter 1 . 4/3
I feel like I must of read this story ages ago. This Harry very resourceful.
kristinamanga chapter 7 . 2/15
J’ai adoré ! X)
kristinamanga chapter 7 . 2/15
J’adore ton histoire ! Les réactions de harry dans ton histoire son beaucoup plus logique que dans le film... XD
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