Reviews for Love and the Art of War
Ai chapter 3 . 3/16/2023
This is so good and I actually don't mind Kenny with Nanao Chan.
Guest chapter 3 . 8/3/2021
Lmaooo loved it!
hybrid-interpreter chapter 3 . 7/13/2021
I didn’t expect this pairing to work, even if it is crack, but you’ve done a wonderful job of complementing them so far. I realize it’s been a while since you’ve revisited the story, but if you ever pick it back up again I look forward to seeing what you come up with next! Well done!
alcici249 chapter 3 . 4/10/2021
Is this story a three-shot or is it just on hiatus for more than ten years? Because the story is really good, Nanao and Zaraki on a date is definitely something that I would never think of. Well it would be good if there were more chapters ... And I also leave my request for a fanfic Zaraki-Karin K.
Rakan chapter 3 . 12/13/2020
I'd read the rest of this.

I really enjoy your characterizations. Everyone is in character, despite the absolute crack of Zaraki being intellectual.
0Enidan0 chapter 1 . 1/12/2019
The sarcasm! It burns! I laughed so hard at your summary. This had me rolling in laughter, and I'm only on chapter 1. I must admit, I was terrified to read this. I said to myself, "Please don't let this turn into a new OTP, you just can't afford that at this point in life." Oh, man. I loved the dry humor.
Guest chapter 3 . 11/18/2018
This story is just awesome! I hope you continue this eventually!
creativesm75 chapter 3 . 1/15/2018
coolI like it. I thought i wouldn't like it but i did.
Lady Serai chapter 3 . 11/25/2017
I really loved the Art of War. Fine masterpiece!
queensands chapter 3 . 11/11/2017
I found myself laughing out loud while reading this! It was so cute and hilarious! LOVED IT!
Anne Camp aka Obi-quiet chapter 3 . 7/23/2017
Sad this isn't finished. It's not entirely crack...even though it would ever only happen in this one instance, I find it highly amusing.
Unnamed Wanderer chapter 3 . 7/3/2017
This is so awesome! I starting reading this because I came across your fic "Breathing Lessons" and was wondering if you had any more Bleach fics. It was mainly curiosity that I starting reading this one. I hadn't really thought of the similarities between Nanao and Zaraki before. They're kinda cute together. I know it's been ages since this has been posted but it would be awesome if you could continue this. :D
Great fic, loved it.
KJC2025 chapter 3 . 6/16/2017
I'm going through my old Bleach favorites, looking for one in particular. It wasn't this one, but I'm glad I found this one again. This is just a charming little story, and I just wanted to let you know that. I also wanted to let you know that I'd love an update, though if you don't have notes, or you've discovered your true passion is killing people with boat oars, I'd understand.
Guest chapter 3 . 5/4/2017
I love this crack pairing! I hope you decide to continue this sometime :D
DetectiveBiggs98 chapter 3 . 3/14/2017
Oh god I kinda ship it now
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