Reviews for My First Year as a Cullen
divyvicki chapter 62 . 8/3/2023
Great story. Can’t wait to read the next one.
divyvicki chapter 60 . 8/3/2023
Glad you included these.
divyvicki chapter 55 . 7/22/2023
Loved the gifts!
divyvicki chapter 44 . 5/12/2023
Way to go Bella!
divyvicki chapter 42 . 5/3/2023
Very clever solution to the Demitri problem
divyvicki chapter 26 . 2/25/2023
Love the idea of an Angel made to resemble Bella!
divyvicki chapter 23 . 2/20/2023
Interesting development!
divyvicki chapter 16 . 2/6/2023
Seems they should have figured that out sooner!
divyvicki chapter 7 . 1/21/2023
i’m curious as to what her power is going to be.
divyvicki chapter 4 . 1/16/2023
Great that they contacted her!
divyvicki chapter 3 . 1/13/2023
Movie night seems like fun!
divyvicki chapter 2 . 1/13/2023
Love how you described the rock climbing!
divyvicki chapter 1 . 1/12/2023
Great continuance of the original story.
Lillywhite1 chapter 62 . 10/4/2022
Thanks for writing this wonderful story!
Paty4Hale chapter 26 . 6/6/2022
The angel for Bella and Edward’s tree if you don’t mind me saying so was very corny :)

Also, I understand Bella was in vey real danger with her testing, but it would do her no good to shy away from her mind and to never attempt anything. If Edward is so worried about the Volturi and Bella’s possible gift, then he needs to suck it up, support her (within reason of course. It’s not like he sees her in danger and won’t interfere) and move on!
I feel like he’s repeating his behaviour pattern from when she was human. “Dont do this, don’t do that. Do you realise how dangerous it is?” I know this time it was truly dangerous. But she got it, she knows what she did wrong and won’t do it again. He loves to be miserable and brooding.
I’ll continue reading now :)
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