Reviews for Come What May
Leapyearbaby29 chapter 1 . 6/17/2022
Harry’s kids are murdered and Ginny dies in his arms?! Does Voldemort come to power again or something?
DJArla chapter 27 . 11/2/2021
I really, really enjoyed this. I hope you continue on with a sequel
PurePreet chapter 27 . 3/3/2021
oh me lord
Angi1990 chapter 27 . 2/8/2021
*pokes Scorpia slightly* What was that about a sequel? Realy would like one ) Though you might have your hands full right now during Covid, maybe some day Inspiration might hit you. I'd be very happy, as I think it's a great story (espeacially considering you age when you wrote this)!

VicGG chapter 27 . 12/14/2020
Hey, this story is great, thanks for writting it. I'm asking how this finish, would you write the next part? (Sorry for my english, I'm from Spain). Thanks a los!
Guest chapter 1 . 8/25/2020
Wouldn't it have been actually effective to tell harry not to go to the dept of mysteries because V wanted him to get the prophecy?
Azure Shine chapter 27 . 6/28/2020
I thought this gonna be time travel telling bad harry fix it. but no. it rare but kinda stupid why harry not do what his future tell him to do? practice with Snape, okay. but then? nope. i am dissapoint. but this story is decent
Azure Shine chapter 25 . 6/28/2020
Malfoy wife? what? it narcissa BLACK! why sirius act as she is stranger? at last they are still family or know coz school in hogwart too
Azure Shine chapter 21 . 6/28/2020
why voldie not use mark to summon them and kill them than attack Malfoy manor? and I love this! thank god for harry and I hate u Voldie!
Azure Shine chapter 19 . 6/28/2020
yess Lucius help too!
Azure Shine chapter 18 . 6/28/2020
oh please good Lucius or light side Lucius
Azure Shine chapter 16 . 6/28/2020
yesss beat the Vernon!
Azure Shine chapter 15 . 6/28/2020
Lol! i love the comedy in this chapter. so funny!
Azure Shine chapter 14 . 6/28/2020
why Malfoy puzzles about Dursley when he already seeing harry memories? and why he not calling his house elf, i am sure Malfoy have another house elf or bring another after dobby got free
Azure Shine chapter 13 . 6/28/2020
13 chapter and why harry only read that book now? its the most important thing!
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