Reviews for When Your Latest Isn't Your Greatest
The Bowser Monster chapter 6 . 1/12/2008
HAHAHAHAHA! Where do you get these ideas? I love this story! It's so dang funny! I loved the part where Eggman's robot wanted some insurance! I wonder how much Tail's bill will be? Anyway please update soon.

P.S. If you want some ideas, let me know. I have so many for your story.
another generic sonic fan chapter 6 . 1/10/2008
Your fanfiction is allright, but that chapter 5 was a little meh.

Keep doing more!

Try making Bob sugest a stupid idea that Eggman will actually do.
Mommaleasey chapter 6 . 1/9/2008
“How about I give you a friendship bracelet, huh? Then will you eat the steak?”

I bet if he did eat the steak, it proly woulda helped sonic knowing Eggmans luck. XD
Neondaze chapter 6 . 1/9/2008
“Hey, Egg Cook! Where's my linguine?” That was funny! XXD

Very creative chapter!
Neondaze chapter 5 . 1/9/2008
Wow, that was just too...specail, even for eggman! XD
Victor Delta Kitsune chapter 6 . 1/8/2008

This was the best thing ever written on the history of Sonic fanfics, and to reward you for making me laugh I give you this!

*Places a platinum star on this fic*
Mommaleasey chapter 5 . 1/8/2008
“Ow,” said Sonic. “What if I was pregnant?”

That right there, made me laugh.

And in Eggman this latest chapter, brings to mind the phrase "special needs".

Bravo my freind! I look forward to the next update. :)
Exploder chapter 4 . 12/19/2007
This is actually not bad. I see it as a parody of the fact that Eggman, in every single incarnation of himself, never tries anything different other than just sending robots, robots, robots, robots and gets repetitive. I like how this story highlights that, in a way.
Neondaze chapter 3 . 12/18/2007
Haha! Funny! X3
Mommaleasey chapter 3 . 12/18/2007

It really is huh eggman?

Wow. I havent fanfiction this simple and fun in a while.
Neondaze chapter 2 . 12/16/2007
wow, I felt tears in my eyes while reading this! Too funny!
Neondaze chapter 1 . 12/16/2007
Lolz! OMG! That was hilarious! XD
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