Reviews for The Last Gift
Caro chapter 5 . 5h
Wow, Harry not remembering himself was a twist I hadn't expected. Great job!
MonkeeMary chapter 51 . 6/16/2024
On my cellphone, I can’t tell if stories are completed or not. FF simply doesn’t say, either way, and I no longer have an actual computer. So it’s my fault that I assumed a 51 chapter story last updated in 2010 was complete.
But, no. So I read 51 LONG chapters, and now will never know how this interesting story ends. Bummer for me, but my fault of course. It’s a shame though, that you couldn’t finish it. It was unique.
Fan girl 39 chapter 5 . 9/25/2023
Ok this is hilarious! I especially love Harry’s point of view as a cat!
Imaginos-Buzzardo-Desdinova chapter 14 . 6/25/2023
The idea of Voldie in a chef's hat made me chuckle. I could almost picture him in that scene from the Star Wars Holiday Special going "whip whip stir whip!"
gabumon7 chapter 51 . 1/18/2022
Please continue! You have had lots of funny moments, twists, and it being a novel length long already!
gabumon7 chapter 47 . 1/17/2022
Hilarious last line!
sdardio chapter 35 . 8/14/2021
First off,
I. LOVE. THIS. FIC. It’s been one of my All-Time Fave Fics for a long time. I love the seamless way each chapter continues into the next. I love the depth of the characters. I love seeing the canon-ness of the characters, and how it naturally evolves in the AU. There’s nothing fake, no unrealistic personality changes from the canon. On top of that, you’re making the Severitus relationship primary, not the horcruxes.

Upon rereading it, for the umpteenth time, I find myself struck by a realization in this chapter. I hope you’ll indulge me. I just love the wording you use!

What Severus sees happening with his Mark, that’s what I see happening in me, what happens with each person who invites Jesus to be a part of his/her life. I feel more connected to my faith, and your phrasing reminded me why I follow Jesus. The best part is that Jesus can’t die, He’s the true Master of death, so the Mark will NEVER disappear or fade. We still have our free will, and the Mark protects us from the evil one. Because God is Love, there can’t exist hate, revenge, any malevolent feelings or intent. I am loved and I am protected.

I just had to reach out to you and let you know my reaction to this chapter. _

Thank you for creating this fic!
00 chapter 51 . 3/20/2021
Another dead story. How sad.
Guest chapter 51 . 9/4/2020
This is not marked complete, but it is very satisfying. I was entertained throughout the story. Thank you to the author and to the translator.
Guest chapter 46 . 9/2/2020
Flitwick needs to teach Harry and Sev the spell to control werewolves. And Remus needs to die heroically saving someone, instead of having a long life as a total jerk.
Guest chapter 45 . 9/2/2020
Ha! I'd wondered if Loki the were wolf could overhear the conversations from the first minute he was taken upstairs. Nobody seemed very discrete. Turns out I was right. He must have overheard a hundred conversations. Ominous.
Guest chapter 42 . 9/1/2020
I'm in suspense about what will become of Draco and also Loki the wolf.
hilltowngirl chapter 51 . 9/1/2020
unfortunate that this well written story had to end here, i was quite enjoying it. unrelated to any of the fascinating plot, but if im not mistaken "fanny" is British slang for the female genitals, and quite the unfortunate name to give to a pet
Guest chapter 41 . 9/1/2020
Mercy is overrated. Villains should not be given a dozen chances. Stupid Albus. Lol. Great storytelling. The dramatic suspense is well written.
Guest chapter 35 . 8/30/2020
Secrets, secrets, secrets...what could possibly go wrong? (Laughs like a cartoon villain.) Good cliffhanger.
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