Reviews for The Contentious Heart
Svpernova chapter 31 . 11/3/2023
wow. One of the best fanfiction pieces I've ever read. The plot twist, the way of describing things even details it's simply amazing. And the way that you put yourself in the character's shoes like Sakura or Itachi, to show how confused they were at each other. Keep up the good work
Svpernova chapter 19 . 11/1/2023
I can't imagine Deidara doing this
lanternanonimo chapter 2 . 8/12/2023
Wow! I'm literally hooked on this story! Sakura being a spy within the organization is the perfect fit for how I imagine she would look and act on Konoha's behalf! Was this your first fic? My congratulations for the dedication to writing and the precision in strolling through different points of view of the characters. And each character is for me according to their persona.

The part that touched me the most was Tsunade feeling embraced through Sakura's communication through the wind. Very handsome!

Tsunade always considered Sakura as her daughter. Hugs to the author!
PinkPineapples chapter 31 . 5/27/2023
Kisame and Deidara as wingmans for the win! Seriously love how they talked Itachi and Sakura into seeing sense.
Beautifully written!
Opera123 chapter 31 . 4/30/2023
amazing story thank you for sharing your gift with others
loved reading every word
PinkPineapples chapter 10 . 4/5/2023
Seriously, so good. And Itachi blushing was hilarious!
PinkPineapples chapter 9 . 4/5/2023
Oh my, yep, he got what he deserved.
PinkPineapples chapter 8 . 4/5/2023
How can this story be this good? Like seriously! Should have gone to bed hours ago haha
PinkPineapples chapter 7 . 4/5/2023
Man, this story is golden. Character development, pacing, the dialogue, brilliant!
PinkPineapples chapter 6 . 4/5/2023
I love how Sakura embraces her emotions.
PinkPineapples chapter 5 . 4/4/2023
Masterfully written, truly.
PinkPineapples chapter 4 . 4/4/2023
AHhh, so good! Really enjoy your writing style!
PinkPineapples chapter 3 . 4/4/2023
I like how you showcase Sakura's personality - of course she would heal Deidara.
PinkPineapples chapter 2 . 4/4/2023
Oh man, it's getting good! Very much enjoy your writing style.
PinkPineapples chapter 1 . 4/4/2023
Incredible writing! Very impressed with the way you set up the story so neatly without any dragging sections. Nice!
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