Reviews for Keogh
hermineG chapter 12 . 9/17/2024
I love how she doesn't suddenly ignore her adoptive parents but still arkwardly tries to form a relationship with snape. A lot of authors make her suddenly hate her parents which doesn't make sense
heart.dramione chapter 16 . 8/13/2024
now showing off her skills! my favorite moment!
Cmlackey12 chapter 47 . 7/19/2024
Guest chapter 47 . 6/19/2024
I love this story. I hope you would still continue writing.
DEEG1291 chapter 47 . 1/7/2024
Man i wish I would remember to read the reviews on old stories like this before I get embroiled in it. Once again I find a fabulous story with innumerable twists and turns only to reach the final chapter and realize it is never going to be resolved. What a disappointment. I really would have liked to see how this would end. So many loose ends left undone.
sequel98 chapter 2 . 8/7/2023
your writing style was great in the first chapter but changed completely by chapter two. it kinda takes away the desire to read further
Orrery chapter 3 . 7/27/2023
I really wanted to love this, but I can't got through the formattinf
beka-trueblood chapter 1 . 6/11/2023
I hope you continue this story
The Mad Madame chapter 47 . 5/15/2023
Son of a three legged hooker! It just stopped. Nothing since 2009. I'm left with so many questions. Trout, Hermione time traveling to Tom Riddle's time, why Dumbledore knows so freaking much, with Sal in control, now what? She was in the death chamber...what happened? Are there other Keoghes?

One of the best multi plot line stories on fanfiction. I will definitely go read Brian Lumley.
Fris Comyns chapter 47 . 4/26/2023
I found this story by accident, it’s amazing! Such a shame you just stopped it even though you continued writing for a couple more years. It has to be one of the most original plots in the whole HP fanfic pantheon. I’m off to read your other works. After nearly 14 years it is unlikely that you will return to this but, damm! It’s a fantastic story.
ForevrJaci chapter 34 . 3/27/2023
I come back many times a year to read this story. I know you wrote a new version and I've read it. I enjoyed what you did with it, but I cannot help but love this version, the original, even more. I know you probably won't come back to finish it, so, I just wanted to make certain you knew how much your story is loved and appreciated. Anyway, thanks for sharing this gift with us and as always happy writing.
Wildcatatheart chapter 47 . 2/4/2023
this is still awesome. hope you continue...
Slaanesh chapter 1 . 1/24/2023
For those that don't know, ChelleyBean was sacrificed painfully to the dark god's due to being creator of the stupid marriage law trope.

She deserved it!
Crys chapter 47 . 12/13/2022
Oh, man.. what a story! I admit this is not the first time I have read it and I was hoping to see a new chapter at least. But I guess the time for writing has passed..? I hope not. Anyway, your fans are still reading your amazing stories . So, maybe when you find some inspiration, please, please give it another chance. This story especially was left straight in the middle of a mystery. Am I guessing right that Hermione did not really wake up but was taking over by Salazar? And that fact that Albus knew so much, he admitted that she went to the past. Quite a way to go still. Please don’t give up on your stories.
ArdidB chapter 47 . 11/19/2022
HI! it's been ages since this was updated, so IDK if you'd read this or not, but still I wanted to tell you that I love your story.
I knew nothing of the Necroscope series, but I really like how you incorporated things from it here, without taking over too much. I love how original and well written this story is and how, desire everything, you can still recognise the characters.

I hope that everything is fine in your real life, hopefully you'll come back sometime to finish this. But even if you don't, congratz on what you created, is a great story!
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