Reviews for Incendiary Relations
redwalgrl-RG chapter 7 . 1/22/2008
UGH. ate my first review. Anyway, I adored this story. The last line is so perfectly Kimbley (not to mention a great way to end a chapter), and I love Archer's actions with the chimeras and Tucker. Tucker and Archer do seem like they'd get along, personality-wise. Once again, another gorgeous chapter. You know this is one of those fics that I look forward to reading so much? It's amazing. Oh, I forgot to mention how much I love that Kimbley is still himself even after realizing his attraction for Archer. And I adore jealous Kimbley. "He touched him!" That was great. Once again, a wonderful chapter!
redwalgrl-RG chapter 6 . 1/22/2008
Aw! I adored this chapter! I actually read it when it first came out in Japan (yeah, I saw when you first posted it and read it in about two minutes since I was out of time in the internet cafe and couldn't review. D; I couldn't log in either.) Anyway, I adored the development between the two of them in this chapter, especially the simplistic dialogue you use in the end to clearly show the awkwardness between the two of them. I also like how we don't see much of Archer's perspective on this, I want to know what he thinks about Kimmie's little crush! XD! I also like that Kimbley fell first, every other fic has him being the stubborn one who falls last, no matter what his preference. I simply adore this fic, it's far too hard to describe in words. 0
LunarZer0 chapter 6 . 1/20/2008
Interesting read; I'm familiar with FMA but not Archer and Kimblee. Kimblee is horribly annoying; he must be worth a lot to Archer for Archer to put up with his crap.

Needs more non-smut plot. XD I know that's the point, but there seem to be a couple of things going on besides (all of which might just be from regular FMA... I wouldn't know _;).
redwalgrl-RG chapter 5 . 1/7/2008
First of all, let me say that I love the way you wrote Archer talking to the troops. I for one believe he was a good leader at least, and that the troops in Liore looked up to him (evidence: the soldiers seem worried after the transmutation, though it was in the dub, and might not be in the original, and it could just be that they didn't know what to do without a commander, but I'd like to think otherwise). Moving on, I love the way you write for Archer and Kimbley. They're both so believeable here, especially Archer. This is the first time I've seen Kimbley physically show Archer what it's like to blow someone up, so I found that a nice story element. Very important to their relationship. The fact that Archer is considering Kimbley a friend is a definite plus. "No one can hurt you if you're alone," that's the vibe I always got from Archer (that, and that he's totally gay. XD!)

Kimbley on the other hand is a great alternate. He's so similar to Archer and then there's just those little things that make him different. The jealousy reminds me of my own Archer (who is totally prone to jealousy spasms that actually haven't apperared in any fanfic... I don't think). Kimbley is great. I love him. Though I wouldn't have minded a threeway. ;D I kid, I kid! I love all the writing for this that you do, I can't find anything at all I would change or edit. Seriously. You win the internets.
redwalgrl-RG chapter 4 . 1/4/2008
If I may say, your Tucker is like THE best thing EVER. I like how he isn't so quiet and all, and that he even pokes fun at Kimbley. I hate really quiet, really submissive Tucker. D;

Can I also say that this chapter made my day? 0 I swear to god, I love this story so much. The interactions between Kimbley and Archer are so realistic and sweet, this is how I've pictured their friendship as well, what with Kimbley practically groping Archer and getting away with it. XD I also love how Kimbley sort of but not really realizes it. It's so sweet! (And Ishbal!Archer would be the sexiest thing EVER.)

Archer's interaction with the chimera made me laugh as well, I don't know if you've seen the mini-comic "Kimbley cat" but it reminded me of that (RHYME). Anyway, amazing chapter, and I love this story to bits and pieces. 0
stellarcartis chapter 1 . 1/3/2008
Your story ROCKS! i love this pairing.
redwalgrl-RG chapter 3 . 1/2/2008
WIN WIN! I'm glad that story is catching attention, it is my baby. One of them. XD As to the references, ULTIMATE WIN. XD I was rolling around on the floor laughing at Roy's little reaction. (Riza would totally want to see that.)

This chapter was great, amazing character development and reactions between the two of them. Kimbley is so great with his lack of tact and almost childlike reactions. "I destroyed it!" Win. I really, really love this story, I'm so glad you're continuing it, even if I'm the only one reviewing. D; This pairing is probably -the- most popular Archer pairing, so you'll definitely get more reviews as time goes on!

But yes, absolutely LOVE it.
redwalgrl-RG chapter 2 . 12/29/2007
I really love this story. XD The fact that Kimbley is so ADD but still canon and Archer is... well, Archer, it's perfect. I adore that you manage to keep me completely hooked, hoping for another chapter of this story all the time. 0 (And the fact that your Archer's morning routine is nearly the same as mine is humorous, and rather scary, since I've never written about it outside RPing. XD) I must say that Roy is a clever bastard, sneaking his way in there! Ohohoh. I like Roy though, and I loved Archer's reaction to all that. Sure he -could- have been killed, but he wasn't and he pissed Mustang off! Win win! XD Anyway, I adore this story!
redwalgrl-RG chapter 1 . 12/24/2007
"and if he found one more picture of his predecessor's daughter slipped between report pages he was going to scream."

And I thought I was the only one who considered this! We see Hughes tormenting everyone with the pictures, but we never see Archer's reaction to it! XD

Moving on, the way you wrote Kimbley was so oddly similar to my own. I was staring in disbelief, wondering how anyone else saw him as being more dependent than the anime shows him. Though you did a better job of making him less-dependent. XD I absolutely LOVED this. I hope there's more! 0 There really isn't enough KimArch goodness on here. D; I should probably write some more...

Anyway, this is absolutely wonderful. I love the description, and the comparison of Archer to ice (sounds sort of like my one-shot, Fire and Ice) One of the best KimArch fics out there. I want more! XD I will definitely watch this. It's LOVE.
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