Reviews for Great Expectations
Smilykarina chapter 5 . 12/20/2016
Incredible story so far so glad to find one with good grammar after a few duds
Guest chapter 27 . 11/9/2016
Loved this story! Would look forward to a sequel for Albus, but this story is amazing!
Ariana dumbledor chapter 12 . 9/30/2016
Sorry about this but . Your loved ones aren't in your heart. Your heart isn't the thing of love it's just a organ that pumps blood. Your brain is where you "love" technically . Because love is a a action your brain made you do. The reminder of your loved ones is from your memory.

I'm fully sorry it's just annoying to me .
Guest in Europe chapter 27 . 5/8/2016
Excellent story - liked the Brigadoon idea.

Thank you.
Morgan chapter 1 . 3/31/2016
It is awesome. I love Harry Potter. Pregnancy!
Isabella chapter 24 . 12/24/2015
That was just 's the best fan fiction ever !thanks
Guest chapter 2 . 12/22/2015
dude this is amazing af. Like you've thought through everything, your English is superb, much better than the douches who usually end up writing and yeah.
BookButterfly11 chapter 9 . 8/13/2015
Wow, I remembered the end, that means it was really good! (You can probably tell by now that I forget things pretty darn fast) This is intriguing, nice plot twist. I hope you don't just drop it, I hope you tell us more. And nice bit with the names, especially Rose's. I never thought of that...I now declare myself to be fully capable of being, truly, a complete and total idiot. Seriously! (Oh WHY does FF not have italics! GEEZ, GUYS! HOW HARD WOULD IT BE?!) Anyways, lovely work! See you later, alligator! :)
BookButterfly11 chapter 8 . 8/13/2015
Every time I read that word, I swear...dying again! I love your writing, I think you have such talent and I'm really privileged to be able to read your work. I might not specify so much what I like, but by the end of the chapter, for me, it's all blended into one happy fuzzy blur. I love it all! Keep writing! :)
BookButterfly11 chapter 7 . 8/13/2015
LOVED IT as always. But this ad here is sort of killing my buzz. The chef just stuck, like, a whole lobster into a pot. Ew, it was so disgusting OH GODS HE'S AT IT AGAIN HELP! okay. I reeeeeeeeeeeally need to move on now. Great work, loved it, and oh god there it is again GOODBYE
BookButterfly11 chapter 5 . 8/13/2015
Really good as always. Of course I knew Hermione was pregnant from the sum, but oh well, it was nice to read it anyways! Oh, thanks for that suggestion-Weasley Weddings, right? It's excellent-I'm enjoying it quite a bit! :)
BookButterfly11 chapter 2 . 8/13/2015
I looooooooooove it! So so so good! Thank you for writing! :)
harryislife chapter 27 . 5/24/2015
I really liked your story, it was very interesting and there were some really funny bits. I hope you do the sequel as I would like to hear Als story. At times I found Molly very annoying, particularly when Harry went missing and when Albus was born. I would've liked to see Ginny confront her and her become a little less overbearing, but I suppose she didn't have time. Apart from that I have no complaints, it was very well written.
lostinastory33 chapter 27 . 5/16/2015
very beautiful and well written, but I didn'tI like how you made Al into another chosen one...I would have preferred it if they had all been ordinary and normal...great read though!
larryjc chapter 27 . 3/7/2015
An absolutely beautiful story.

Just finished reading it in a stretch and despite the fact that I won't be saying much, just imagine me repeating every positve review you have gathered for this story over the years.
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