Reviews for Never Say Remember
Tripple-A-Plus chapter 6 . 12/15/2021
I think this Harry seemed to fit in better than the other.
Tripple-A-Plus chapter 5 . 12/15/2021
It hadn’t gone well in this world.
Tripple-A-Plus chapter 4 . 12/15/2021
I wonder about Lily’s condition.
Tripple-A-Plus chapter 3 . 12/15/2021
It’s going to be a bumpy ride.
Tripple-A-Plus chapter 2 . 12/15/2021
So we’ll get to read from two different worlds. So exciting. Thank you.
Tripple-A-Plus chapter 1 . 12/15/2021
Wow! Very intriguing. I can’t wait to read more.
SchokoDelphin chapter 24 . 7/27/2021
Beautiful from start to finish
byfornow chapter 24 . 7/2/2021
okay now i'm sad. tis was very beautiful thank u for writing this, i'm going to go cry now.
stuovam chapter 24 . 5/30/2021
I love it very much!
R chapter 24 . 5/27/2021
NEVER in my life have I had this many tears steaming down my face reading a story... you, my dearest, are a genius ! this has to be one of the absolute fanfictions I have ever read... you have woven the best of elements in the story so beautifully.. with just the perfect amount of everything... enticed and bewitched with how intense it was... I LOST IT when Snape attempted to go back to being snarky... the way you wrote scenes.. it’s like everything is happening right before my eyes... this is marvellous and one hell of a piece of work... I applaud you; it was one hell of a ride !
chinalatina28 chapter 24 . 4/19/2021
Wow this was a great read. Really unique twist too. Was the alternate voldy killed?
DJArla chapter 24 . 3/18/2021
Wow. This was unbelievably good! Not at all what I was expecting but I liked being surprised by it. It was wonderfully written and although full of angst also felt like it mended something in me (much the same as the characters in the story I suppose). Honestly brilliant!
Saphira Veera chapter 24 . 3/11/2021
I just want you to know that I thought about this fic in every waking moment since I started reading yesterday. I even dreamt about itit was a nightmare honestly because I dreamt that I was Parallel Harry and Snape was asking me for the ingredients to the potion that’ll take me back and I couldn’t rememberit nearly drove me to tears.

Just one of the reasons why angst is so deeply ingratiated in meevery sentence I read just strikes me to the core. You captured the essence of everyone brilliantly. Being a writer myself (though nowhere as accomplished nor talented as you) I know how difficult it is to stay true to the character’s personality and imagine what they’d say when faced with a situation. But you fleshed out both Harrys and both Snapes so perfectly well I’m devastated that this familial relationship is not canon.

I guess I’ll always have a soft spot for mentor-guardian/son-father tropes in every fandom. I don’t regret it though.

I’ve enjoyed every bit of this and wish there was more. Thank you for this brilliantly-written story.
Guest chapter 24 . 2/15/2021
Oh my god! OH MY GOD! WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY omg I love this so much. I wanna cryy. Poor snape and harry and other snape and other harry ToT. I luv this so much why'd u finish it? such a lovely story omg. but i don't like the ending
ham chapter 24 . 2/8/2021
It was really good , One word to describe this book is Awesome .
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