Reviews for Never Say Remember
RhodaBush chapter 24 . 1/22/2021
Wow...I am in tears reading the ending...I would love a sequel
gginsc chapter 24 . 1/4/2021
I like the story, but not the way it ended. The ending was too sad for me.
lolidragonXX chapter 18 . 1/3/2021
i finished this story a month ago, but I had to come back and read this chapter. it's too exhilarating! "i like beans on toast" lol
lolidragonXX chapter 24 . 11/24/2020
è da due capitolio treche piango. Ora che ho terminato la storia non so che fare.. È bellissima, grazie grazie grazie
Dark Angelx1992 chapter 24 . 10/30/2020
This was amazing!
I haven't read a similar premise so far and that was quite refreshing. Two different Snapes and two different Harrys. I loved the parallel world's Snape; I guess that's exactly how he would have turned out if his life wasn't so miserable.
How they faced Voldemort was quite creative.
When I first started reading I expected that Harry would return to his world eventually but then i thought that both Harrys would end up staying in the other world and then it turns out they do return.
I loved how they attempted to safe Lily's memory.
Things that bothered me were the inference that Snape is afraid of heights and had never flown without a broom; in the 7th book we find out that he is the only wizard beside Voldemort to fly without the assistance of a broom.
I also wondered where Narcissa and Draco were during that chaos of the World Cup.
And it is sad that there weren't more chapters. I would have enjoyed seeing more of the parallel world lessons.
Kudos to this great work, I hope you will read this review.
nocloudypooh chapter 24 . 10/28/2020
The struggles and theme in this story tug at my heartstrings. It’s an interesting premise and I think you did the story credit. I won’t say it’s a satisfying end because it’s bittersweet, but it is brilliantly weaved and brought out a lot of known world’s Snape’s and Harry’s character. The theme of sacrifice and love, it hurts to see what they have to give up after the short taste of it, just so their Harry and their Snape can be whole with their family again. Again, brilliantly fleshed out.
midnightdew chapter 24 . 10/26/2020
This fiction... It's so good... Angst, fluff, pain, hope, nostalgia... Ah... You wrote a masterpiece! If only it's longer! More bonding moments would have been great! There was like a sudden jump to our Snape being unable to let go of harry.. And the quidditch.. But I love the ending!
midnightdew chapter 14 . 10/25/2020
This fiction just continues to blow my mind.. Just when I start to feel sad for AU Harry who gets shipped to the Dursley and happy for our Harry who gets to be with his mum, u turn things around again! U hv a real talent for writing these characters.
Guest chapter 4 . 10/25/2020
Ahhh.. This AU potter is such a cheery one. he's adorable! I almost feel sorry for AU Snape to be landed with a difficult potter. It must be so difficult to deal with a rebellious angry child after such a sweet, cheery one. But most of all, u have a fantastic skill! Ur juggling 2 Snapes and 2 Potters when even writing just 1 Snape and 1 potter is difficult enough! You're awesome!
midnightdew chapter 1 . 10/25/2020
Whoa this is very good. It's obvious Snape would be concerned about Harry Snape than Harry Potter. It's his son that's missing after all.. But I feel bad for harry now.. When he goes back, knowing the other Harry's wonderful like with loving parents and his own without Poor Harry Potter
Dante'sGhost chapter 24 . 10/25/2020
Well, there's no other way to say it - this story was truly a masterpiece. I wish we had more of your stories - I remain hopeful that we will one day, even if it has been a while since your lasy update. Take care.
luthiensurion44 chapter 24 . 10/11/2020
Thank you for ripping my heart out with that last scene T.T

I loved this. I couldnt put my phone down until i finished it
WoNdEr GrAy chapter 24 . 10/4/2020
I'm legit crying so hard ! Amazing work is there a sequel ? I would love to see more interaction
Anne LM chapter 24 . 9/9/2020
Thank you for writing this.

It was hard to get my head around the different viewpoints at first, but once I realised what the format was like, I really appreciated the ability to understand all four perspectives. It was such an original story idea. Thank you
Niramia chapter 24 . 9/1/2020
Wow. Just wow. I read all 24 chapters of this story in a day, and wow, I seriously don't know what to say except for:"wow". The story was amazing, I loved the ending too... Thanks so much for this story.
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