Reviews for The Forbidden Game 4: Hunters Moon
Guest chapter 33 . 1/2/2024
KalvinPrincess chapter 1 . 4/20/2021
Oooh, this is so so so good!
Laria Arista chapter 33 . 1/5/2020
A very good Story and the Ending is bittersweet.
Every Friend of Jenny goes his way. This is life, old Friends go, fiend new Friends.
Oh, and i like Aba. Nice, that she was in your Story.
I loved it to read.
Laria Arista chapter 29 . 1/5/2020
The Problem is, that the World of both is not compatible, i think. Jenny is a good Human, she hat Worths, love her Friends, will protect them and Julian is a Shadow-Man without that. If he can learn it, is the Question and Jenny can not be like him.
Good Kapitels.
Laria Arista chapter 27 . 1/5/2020
but this are not really her Friends, or?
Laria Arista chapter 25 . 1/5/2020
Zachs Father is terrible. Poor Zach.
Laria Arista chapter 21 . 1/5/2020
On no, Dee
Laria Arista chapter 15 . 1/5/2020
This was not Michael. He is not so. I think.
Laria Arista chapter 11 . 1/5/2020
A new House...
Back to the roots.
Laria Arista chapter 9 . 1/5/2020
Jenna has very good Friends. They will help. So Friends wishes everyone.
Oh, sorry for my bad english, not my first language. I read with Google translator.
Laria Arista chapter 8 . 1/5/2020
Okay, Julian is bad as ever. Poor Michael, he think, he find a Friend in his "Cousin" and Audrey like him. This is nasty.
Laria Arista chapter 7 . 1/5/2020
Ah, now I know. Poor Michael, dont know his own Family and think, he had a Cousin.
But I hope, that Julian is not so bad to Jenny and her Friends, then they get him with open Arms in her Group when they think, that he is Jack, Michaels Cousin.
But what will Jenny now feel. Happy, cause Julian is back? Or afraid? Or both?
Good Kapitel.
Laria Arista chapter 6 . 1/5/2020
Ok, Tom and Jenny not longer together. This is life. Not ever easy.
But interessanter. What is with Jack? There is something….
Good Kapitel.
Laria Arista chapter 4 . 1/5/2020
No wonder, that Jenny is sad and Angry. She and Tom was so Long together.
But what is with him? Had he a new Girl-Friend? Or Problems with Shadow-Mens?
Good, that hier Friends be there for Jenny.
Interessant Story.
Laria Arista chapter 3 . 1/5/2020
Oh no, what is with Tom?
Poor Jenny.
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