Reviews for The Hidden Hero
Sindas chapter 23 . 1/10
this is one of history's biggest fumbles. this is so sad, you were going so strong at the start, you had probably one of the most well executed fanfics i've ever seen and then it all went to shit after harry escaped from voldemort. i mean the signs were there since the whole thing with the fake harry was iffy, but god damn!

you should rename this fic to "how hope dies" because that's the best way of describing my experience with this fic. enjoyment, curiosity, hope, death of hope, disappointment. that's the timeline.

so many things you could have done and just, agh! i want to resist the urge to attack you personally, but come on man, this sucks ass. you're seriously telling me you wrote this and were like, "oh yeah. this is great. i am such a great writer."

i'm so disappointed. 2/10, stop reading after voldemort is resurrected and assume that harry went on to have a great journey revealing who he is and stopping voldemort, because whatever you imagine is better than this sad pathetic slop.
kjensen27101 chapter 36 . 11/21/2024
Honestly Harry should have been left alone. I am more pissed that he wasnt angry for longer and more angry or put up more of a fight. Great story but the ending irritated me.
Haggart chapter 27 . 11/20/2024
I feel like the story ended at the start of this chapter. Suicidal hate filled harry just casually accepts slavery and a new wand when all he wanted was to leave magic and die...
TeaGrannie chapter 26 . 10/13/2024
If I was Rarry, I'd wait out my time, then empty my accounts and leave Wizarding Britian for ever. Magic is too precious to walk away from . but Britian is just a place and there are lots, and lots of other most likely better places in this world.
divvycrip chapter 36 . 10/8/2024
A great tale. I struggled with the more canon chapters but you did warn us. I loved what you did with th second half and the Voldie-kill was excellent
liliannagorko chapter 28 . 9/13/2024
honestly was in love with the story till the forced indenture then it flat out killed it for me dam shame
Jazzielady76 chapter 36 . 9/3/2024
Pffft. It got ridiculous. This should have ended few chapters ago. I couldn’t finish. Skipped through last chapter meh
Jazzielady76 chapter 24 . 9/3/2024
You should gave stopped with the last chapter . Now this is stupid. And where the hell us hedwig?
ressmania chapter 28 . 8/30/2024
hahahaaha ohhh to become a famous one
ressmania chapter 20 . 8/30/2024
wah dumbledore
ressmania chapter 12 . 8/30/2024
ressmania chapter 4 . 8/30/2024
gokil suheri sakti dari bocil
Specky Clarke chapter 18 . 5/12/2024
You might have changed this a bit, it's boring reading canon all over again, and again, and again.
ThreateningMedicine chapter 18 . 4/6/2024
This story is my dream come true... i don't know how i forgot about it! i read it so long ago i forgot EVERYTHING that happened in it, but i guess it means i have the pleasure of reading it AGAIN! Tons of people dream of forgetting their favourite media only to rediscover it, but I am one of the few blessed with it in reality!
Tollkeeper chapter 36 . 2/27/2024
Thank you for writing this story, it was very intreating and frustrating at times, I feel Harry was way too agreeable while they enslaved him, not even trying to fight back.

I am happy that it was a happy ending but part of me really wanted to see Harry tare people a new one when he was freed and maybe take some time away from wizarding Britain.

I am to much of a drama queen
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