Reviews for The Chapters of Life
CoffeeKris chapter 2 . 1/14/2008
Why did she suddenly feel as if everything was at stake? Because with men almost everything always is! lol, excuse my exasperation. I'm really loving your writing style but more than that your ability to keep the characters IN character is refreshing. Can't wait for chapter 3!
notwritten chapter 1 . 1/13/2008
What a nice chapter you have written today. Are you going to be updating soon, so that we can read more of this nice story. Have a nice day tomorrow, and keep smiling. :-)

More Please!
yodeladyhoo chapter 1 . 1/13/2008
Fluffy? Terror? Angst? ARGH! ! !

I await, with baited breath...

Until again.
Madamoiselle La Lune chapter 1 . 1/13/2008
ooh! More!
AvitarGirl chapter 1 . 1/13/2008
Nice opening chapter with an interesting plot. You've got me on the edge of my seat. Please update soon!
ShadowyLined chapter 1 . 1/13/2008
This is outstanding. I'm intrigued and eager to see what happens next. One small thing, however... it threw me for a loop that you have a FRIEND of Sarah's called Karen. It's bad enough when writers use Irene, as most of the fandom calls her stepmother Karen. But to then use that name for another character... as I said, it is jarring and took me out of the story every time I saw it (except the first time, when I thought you meant her stepmother, and when you said she was one of Sarah's best friends, I simply thought it was sweet that they'd grown so close... but then you called her Irene, confusing me). It's not a huge thing, it's just... strange. I'm not sure why certain authors insist upon using the name from the Manga rather than what is widely accepted in the established fandom, but... meh. Anyway, great story.
hazlgrnLizzy chapter 1 . 1/13/2008
Hm intriguing please update this sounds like an interesting story!
Ginabella59 chapter 1 . 1/13/2008
this story seems good and well writing

please more
xAndarielx chapter 1 . 1/13/2008
Wonderful start! There's something about your story that is so unique, and I'm already so excited to see what happens next. I love how you write Sarah. I think she's perfect. I can' wait to read more!
thetankgirl chapter 1 . 1/13/2008
ooh, nice story! I really like your writing style! Please continue soon.
CoffeeKris chapter 1 . 1/13/2008
Oh! Ominous clock bells sound! I like this story, it's very well written. I look forward to a new chapter.

P.S. Love the Queen quote! YAY QUEEN!
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