Reviews for Fox Ears
Royal shadow1 chapter 1 . 8/12/2011
thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you THANK YOU SO MUCH! this is what i wanted to believe, when i first read that fred was gone, that George would do anything to get his twin back. I love this thank you so much for being George and Fred back together you're amazingly awesome.
SIZ chapter 1 . 8/12/2011
Omg I love this so much. Omg. OH MY GOD. This is now officially my favourite fanfic ever. I can't wait to go on to read your other ones. This is just so amazing. Also I'd like to note I learnt a lot of new words from your writing, (whenever I see a word I don't recognise, I look it up), so I'd like to also congratulate and thank you on your awesome eloquence and grammar and for teaching me new things. (: Now, to make sure every other HP fan I know reads this story.. x3
JessicaMatthews chapter 1 . 8/12/2011
Haai, I just want to say that wel, thank you for writing this it totally made my day even week :) Love it.
Kayla chapter 1 . 8/11/2011
Omg this made me laugh and cry soooo much
MuderBurger chapter 1 . 8/11/2011
I don't think I can tell you enough how much I love you for writing this. I really don't think I can. When I read the book, I cried so hard that by the time I finally stopped, I couldn't continue reading because my eyes hurt so much. I always liked to pretend that Fred wasn't really dead at all, but had been hit with that curse used in Order of the Phoenix that makes you appear dead. It was hard to believe, but as long as I thought that, it wasn't as hard letting go of one of my favorite characters. Reading this however, makes me believe that yes, Fred did die, but there would be no way in hell George would let him stay dead. Your story has made me feel loads better about the De-Fredding of Harry Potter, and I can't thank you enough. You're a fabulous writer you are! Phenomenal job! 3
Jess-siriusly chapter 1 . 8/7/2011
Wowww :3 a really touching story; i'm so happy that george successfully re-fredded 3 yay for george and charlie!
Lu94 chapter 1 . 8/6/2011
ok so i know its been almost four years since you wrote this so im not sure if youll see this put i just want you to know how much i love this story. i actually printed it out and its in m bookshelf right next to the deathly is the ending i choose to believe. your a great writter keep it up. ps i read the other stories tha come after this one and was left speachless. cant wait to add them to my collection
J-Dawg chapter 1 . 8/3/2011
I love you so freaking much! I've been spasticly depressed since the movie came out and was reminded of how horribly bleak the world was once it had been de-Fredded. This story has made me feel loads upon LOADS better. I can never thank you enough for this. But a butt load of thanks to you anyways, for making me feel like the world has been re-Fredded once again! I'm making all my Harry Potter obsessed friends read this, and I'm printing this and putting it in my Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows book, like so many other people before me have. Thank you once again!
misswizz chapter 1 . 8/3/2011
Just to let you know, I consider this the true end of Harry Potter. It was between the ending and the epilogue. You have gift, keep on writing!
Gioia chapter 1 . 8/2/2011
I loved your series so very, very much! I wrote a rec of it over on my blog, and I'll be posting it at Know-It-Alls later, too. I'll post the link to my blog before, but in case makes it too illegible, the link is on my user profile - just click on my name. :)


Thank you so much for writing these three wonderful stories! I swear I've been in mourning for 4 years now over Fred. This was just FANTASTIC. You did such a great job of not only fulfilling my fondest wishes by re-Fred-ing him, but also of writing a really in-depth look at how his un-Fred-ing and re-Fred-ing would have impacted his close-knit family. This was brilliant. Grazie!
Lotte-Bubbles chapter 1 . 7/29/2011
Stuff loving the SW I Love you!

This AH! BAH GAH! *flails* theres a real comment somewhere in my brain But ! AHHHH TIME TURNERS! WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT! AH GAH FAH! FRED!~! RE-FREDDED!
THANK YOU chapter 1 . 7/26/2011
I want you to know that Fred's death was the worst part of that whole entire series. This was the greatest thing ever. Me and my friend actually printed them out and added them to the back of the last book. You should send these to J.K. Rowling herself. You made my life. Thank you so much
Sam chapter 1 . 7/26/2011
I cannot thank you enough for writing this story. I'm sure you've heard this a lot already and are probably tired of hearing it, but this is EXACTLY what I needed. Since book one came out in '98 Fred Weasley had been my favorite character and his death came as a complete shock to me. It didn't make sense for there to be only one twin. It didn't make sense that George wouldn't have done anything to fix things. I believe that THIS was the way it was meant to be. Your story not only completed the tale in a well thought out and brilliant plan, but it captured the complete essence of what makes Fred and George Weasley, Fred and George. It was also delightful to hear more from Charlie and the part about the SW club was hilarious and clever. I'm currently printing out your story and leaving it in the back of my copy of Deathly Hallows so that when I reread the book I will be able to truly complete the series. Thank you so much for filling the empty hole that had been in my heart.

Also, in terms of just your writing (leaving the content aside) you are actually a brilliantly talented writer and I hope you pursue this. Thanks again.
ultraviolet9 chapter 1 . 7/26/2011
Thank god.

I cried for almost 4 hours when he died, and I'm usually the stoic one. This was perfect, elegant, and simply the best solution ever. I don't care about the legal ramifications. Goddamnit, Fred's back, and anyone who points that stuff out didn't love him anyway.

Thank you so much.

This is the way it should have ended.

That line about not wanting to be 'and George' for the rest of his life really got me.

Oh. so so perfect. :)
Meeve chapter 1 . 7/26/2011
i freaking love you! so much! thank ! i just re-read Fred's de-Fredding scene and this just makes me feel better even if it's not what happened i can make myself believe it did. I love it, it's just so bloody brilliant!
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