Reviews for Stockholm Syndrome
Kittblue chapter 48 . 9/25/2023
This story had me second guessing myself the whole time! I really enjoyed the way you wrote this and I kept coming back for more! I felt so immersed in the story and the moments of Erik talking to us as though he could see out expressions was utterly refreshing!
Dasgun chapter 2 . 11/30/2022
Guest chapter 48 . 10/5/2022
Wonderful! Thanks!
Guest chapter 47 . 10/5/2022
Nice chapter! I really do feel it's her choice, what she wants. And I just love Erik! Thanks!
Guest chapter 25 . 10/3/2022
Well, been too busy reading to review. Lol. But I've been meaning to at least say, I always love Erik pov stories, but I especially love the way your Erik tells his story. He comes off so nonchalant and innocent, humorous and so likeable. Great for reading! Thanks!
JuiceBeetle chapter 48 . 4/18/2022
Lol this story gives me conflicting feelings. But like all in a good way. Obviously I wasn't expecting fluffy tooth rotting sweetness from a fic called Stockholm Syndrome, but also my love for Christine and Erik made it hard to read a bit. Like as toxic as Erik was in the original, this guy is clearly nuts lol.
Loved it though! Glad he let her go so he knew her feelings were real.
elizabethlynch5082 chapter 1 . 11/19/2021
Excuse me, I’m a fan of the Phantom of the opera in China. I don’t know if you still follow this website. I like this article of yours very much, so I hope to edit it in the form of a video, i’d like your authorization. I’ve been waiting. Thank you.
RoseLily98 chapter 48 . 8/9/2021
The ending was so sweet!
Idhwen chapter 48 . 8/7/2020
excuse stole my heart. I would very much like to have it back now.
Thank you.
Lilo2654 chapter 48 . 7/27/2020
Wow. This was fascinating and incredibly well written. Great job!
Batty Dings chapter 48 . 7/24/2020
I'm not sure what's not to love about this story. I don't think a person can call themselves a Phan and not be a little okay with kidnapping, it IS in the original tale after all.
Somehow you really give Erik a charming and humorous voice. His little detours, and tangents give this work a more conversational quality.
His reasons while being totally bizarre, are laid out in a way that's endearing. Sure, he's a little unhinged, but hey, his heart is in the right place yeah?
I really thought the reasons for sleeping in a coffin were soundly crafted too. You've managed to add a new element to the lore of his back story.
My favorite moment was when Erik ensures that his new bride that he isn't actually dead.

All and all a good tale, as is all of your other works!
cliffsidewisterias chapter 48 . 6/22/2020
Hmmm. This feels more like an ominous ending. I feel like they deluded themselves to a point where they can freely love? each other. At least they believe they are. And having it on Erik’s POV just amplifies the creep factor. Well at least Christine feels like she’s relatively safe and honestly in this story, that’s the best I could hope for. Thanks for writing this I thoroughly enjoyed it :D
cliffsidewisterias chapter 40 . 6/22/2020
IIIII, am kinda scared where this is going like I want to take a peek at the ending but I don't wanna spoil myself sjsjsjsjs
cliffsidewisterias chapter 24 . 6/21/2020
Why does Erik have to be funny even when he does crazy shit I don't know whether to laugh or hit him. Also #GiveChristineDaaeABreak.
cliffsidewisterias chapter 20 . 6/21/2020
Okay so 20 chapters in and I am enjoying the perspective from Erik. It's utterly unreliable and deranged. He's a terrifying stalker but I love how he tries to justify it... or even makes sense of it I find it highly entertaining.
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