Reviews for Genius is a Curse
Elorene chapter 62 . 9/12/2024
Wow, what a read, I very much appreciate the author continuing to update us with chapters. My first impressions was that the characterisation was done really well and im thoroughly impressed with your diction and vocabulary. I thought the plot was on the weaker side however there were a handful of scenes which made be cry my eyes out which shows theres some spectacular writing at play.

Some of the self-harm descriptions were triggering, not going to lie, I appreciate you writing it so realistically and intense though. I used to really struggle with depression and having it all deacribed in such a way makes me want to never go back there, so thank you! Cheers to anyone ready, have a good one.
kal.baier39 chapter 3 . 7/30/2024
Another Void chapter 62 . 7/29/2024
Congraaaaatz! I would love to read anything written by you !
therankingofcakes chapter 62 . 4/27/2024
I hope this will update soon!
Coacoa-beans chapter 62 . 4/8/2024
My God ... I don't remember If I'd already reviewed this story or not, but I remember obsessing over it and reading it over and over ... this is the story that inspired me to write my own (now almost abandoned) fanfiction and I learned so much and I loved your style. I came across it again and there are new chapters! Welcome back!
Guest chapter 2 . 4/5/2024
are watari and L kidnapping Light!? :O
Another Void chapter 3 . 3/23/2024
Welcome back! So happy to hear you're well, and good luck with publishing! 3 and OH MY GOD L AND LIGHT ARE ADORABLE AS BJD DOLLS I LOVE what you did with them! 3
Guest chapter 1 . 3/19/2024
I can...NOT BELIEVE you updated your profile! I'm so happy and glad to hear you're well and alive! wishing you the best of luck with your work (which I'd love to read one day, truly. i hope i can come across it) and the notion of getting updates on Genius is sending me over the moon!
Another Void chapter 32 . 3/15/2024
Amazing writing. Seeing L show vulnerabilities is amazing and makes me go awwww. We need a tennis scene between those two!
Guest chapter 37 . 3/8/2024
L losing control ... loving it!
Guest chapter 62 . 3/6/2024
Ah! I never saw working on Beyond's case as a potential direction for this story because I assumed he was dead. Or maybe I'm just not remembering correctly. It feels really wrong without Wammy. Maybe they could stumble upon a life note and revive him lmao. Also, I love how every character from the anime is here. Wedy and Aiber feel very believable. I love how you've written Matt, but Sayu feels very ... out of place. Maybe because I'm not as attached to her as the other characters.
Another Void chapter 60 . 3/5/2024
Wooooah. Light calling Sayu a bitch was not something i was prepared for
Another Void chapter 55 . 3/5/2024
Is your BJD the one in the profile picture? He's gorgeous! I would love to see L!
Another Void chapter 49 . 3/3/2024
Also why is Roger not getting L some food or medical attention! He's been Wammy's best friend and he knew Wammy cared for L. Even if Roger didn't personally care for him, I like to think he would've done so out of loyalty to Wammy
Another Void chapter 49 . 3/3/2024
I haven't finished this chapter yetbut man, am I angry that L is worrying about his title and not the news of Light's infection!
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