Reviews for Crack’d Mirror
maiqsmail chapter 2 . 1/27
So the King is Grindelwald?
Primus2021 chapter 12 . 1/21
Ya'know, you don't need to summon other girls from AU's!

Gryffindor: Hermione Granger, Lavender Brown, Parvati Patil, Luca Caruso, Alice Tolipan, and Fay Dunbar. 6

Hufflepuffs: Hannah Abbott, Susan Bones, Megan Jones, Emma Vane and Sally Smith. 5

Ravenclaws: Amanda "Mandy" Brocklehurst, Sue Li, Padma Patil, Lisa Turpin, Morag MacDougal and Sally-Anne Perks. 6

Slytherin: Tracey Davis, Daphne Greengrass, Pansy Parkinson, Lily Moon and Sophie Roper. 5

On top of them and Luna Lovegood, there is also Astoria Greengrass, and The Crimson Vixens; Katie Bell, Alicia Spinet and Angelina Johnson. So 5 more.

Personally wish you hadn't done what you did to Tonks and Narcissa, they would have been great in Harry's harem. Also there is the Sexy Ebony MILF and Astronomy Professor Aurora Sinistra. An extra 3.

S 30.
Primus2021 chapter 2 . 1/20
I'm guessing the king is either Grindelwald or Voldemort...
Guest chapter 2 . 12/8/2024
To call them morbidly obese would be a stinging insult to the morbidly obese. The older one looked like he got winded just by breathing, while the younger one probably had never seen his cock because of the flap of fat that covered his groin, obscuring his view.
I'm cackling in the middle of the night bud
Re Lovely Lover chapter 2 . 6/20/2024
I was all for it until it went from summoning someone from another world to killing off that worlds Harry after all the bullshit he's been through and forcefully replacing him with a dramatically different version of himself who will happily take his place and enjoy the hell out of himself.

Then came to the utter garbage of having Ron take Hermiones virginity in that annoying fucking way. Even if I was 100% stoked for this story that was enough to hit -100% minimum. The hell with that. Supposed to be funny but rather than laugh I'm disgusted and ticked off.

No thanks. I'm out.
A Chair Cultist chapter 16 . 5/25/2024
Mr.Nekko chapter 1 . 4/7/2024
what is with harry and sloppy second
Guest chapter 16 . 12/17/2023
I loved reading the entirety of this messed-up, insanely creative, oddly brain-melting(but mostly confusing and intriguing) fanfic! Ngl, I got this link from a ‘most messed up HP fanfic’ list, but aI ended up loving it nonetheless and really hope it continues!
I love Ron the Magnificent, and the Flying Death(forgive me if I messed up his name, I’m writing this a few days after I finished reading) is extremely hilarious and I love his line ‘IT WENT BOOM, BROTHER’!
Ofc, I don’t particularly like whatever dark paths Fred, George, and Dumbledore/WhateverhernamewasIforget went down, but besides that it was an… experience to say the least… albeit a pretty great experience!
If you see this message, hope it makes you smile. I’d happily worship alongside Teatimus. ️
Guest chapter 4 . 11/23/2023
Oh my, looks like Draco has a bladder infection!
I wonder who he could’ve gotten it from?
Dark-Prince-of-Clowns chapter 9 . 5/4/2023
Suddenly I want to play Blackgeart Hotel... or write a crossover fanfic and use this story as inspiration. xD

(Granted, the rape and murder done by Jacky and his crazy and sadistic gf is far, far more explicit and...hrmm... nooo... I'm not sure if it is more cruel, per say, than what Harry does... well, maybe... but the game is a seripus mafia based game, so the suffering of the victims are more realistic and less funny.

You may still win on inventiveness tho. (Except with threats. NO ONE can make threats like Paige! ...Jackie's threats are pretty good too. But Paige is bat-crap harley quinn crazy! xD)

Wait... this part IS supposed to be funny, right? I suddenly remember my mind is twisted and prone to find misery arousing or funny...

Raptus (the game, not the comic convention) is DELICIOUS~

...and filled with depraved, horrifying acts that are illegal in every single state, plus the rest of the world. Including that BDSM country and the lawless parts of the wild west.

Another good game. _

I DO love this fanfic tho! A LOT!
Dark-Prince-of-Clowns chapter 8 . 5/4/2023
Considering how far vernon is I am suprised he can still get it up.

Obesity tends to lower the sex-drive. And people who notoriously overeat tend to eat instead of fuck when they feel horny.

(Although that last part COULD be because their partner finds them disgusting... unless said partner is a chubby-chaser.

Is petunia a chubby-chaser you think? Or did she just settle?

Certainly WOULD have explained a LOT.)
Dark-Prince-of-Clowns chapter 7 . 5/4/2023
Ginny may not be beautiful or sexy, but she IS pretty.

...and when I say 'pretty' I mean 'pedophiles would love her.'

Proboably long after she turns 18. She has that kind if face. (If we go by the actor OR by the description in the books.)

That said, I doubt Harry is into little kids. So it doesn't really change the story. Lol

I FULLY believe the spoiled little brat is masochistic tho.

People always want what they don't have, and Ginny has never had a bad thing happen to her in her life. So naturally she romanticize abuse and likely even rape.

Very typical in girls with her upbring.
Dark-Prince-of-Clowns chapter 5 . 5/4/2023
Omake for Wormtail:

"No, I swear! I'm not a pedophile! I wasn't going to have sex with her!"

"You said you were gonna take her to your castle,"

"Yes, but..."

"And you were gonna tie her up,"

"Yes, but..."

"What in the name of gd could you have wanted to do that for, if not shag her?!" the policeman slammed his hand down on the table, glaring at Wormtail.

"I was gonna sacrifice her for a magic ritual!"

" were gonna kill her?!"


"Not shag her?"

"No! I'd never have sex with an underaged girl! I was just gonna kill her to summon the Dark Lord's equal to rule the world, I swear!"

"... That's alright then."


"You can go,"

"But I just confessed that I was gonna murder a girl!"

"Not my depeartment. As long as you're not a pedophile you're free to go."

"Okay then."
Dark-Prince-of-Clowns chapter 2 . 5/4/2023
For chap. 4:

Dumbledore shagging Pomona is very...disturbing.

...not as disturbing as him with Mcgonnigal in a cat costume tho.

...or as disturbing as him in his goat animagus form with his brother...

...definatly not as disturbing as dumbledore, snape and Harry in the fanfic that taught me the word "scullfucking", and I do mean that VERY litterally. *Shudders*

Y'know what. Old man and fat herbology teacher ain't creepy at all by comparason. Carry on!

(I also thought Crockshanks was "The King" at first, but I must have mixed this up with another story. Lol)

I also keep hoping to see Harry from this dimention waking up to discover he has hot lovers, a castlelike hideout, sex swings and a shitton of power. xD

My bet is that even if he get back, he won't be the same meek and mild idiot anymore. Lol

Maybe it'll come later... I keep my fingers crossed.

Oh, and fyi: LOVE this story!
ShadowLord1329 chapter 12 . 4/27/2023
You really Dragged poor Canon Hermione into this shit didn’t you
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