Reviews for The Last Spy
nintschibintschi chapter 107 . 6/21/2024
Thank you for sharing this story it was so amazing I got hooked and making it a happy end wit sev alive you made me cry
Thank you I really enjoyed your work you are so talented I couldńt stop reading
Greetings from Vienna
nintschibintschi chapter 88 . 6/19/2024
This story for Mr hooked it is so amazing thank you
nintschibintschi chapter 75 . 6/18/2024
Wow this story is soso amazing I can not stop reading it thanks for sharing it and itbis a masterpiece
Naoruth chapter 17 . 3/11/2024
If this is their 6th year its about 1997. Britney spears first song was only released in January 1999 so i think you are a couple of years early. Also im pretty sure mobile phones didn’t have ringtones until early 2000s.
Its still a great story just a personal bug when things are out of time.
Rosmerta chapter 108 . 1/20/2024
What an amazing epic! Somehow I never found this in ffnet until recently, and I've finally finished it. Hats off to you for planning and completing such a complex story! I enjoyed your take on the characters, though Mippy might be my favorite - your original characters were so enjoyable. I have to admit it's hard to see Hermione as assassin material, but you made it work in the confines of the story. I hope you continue writing - you have a lot of talent! Thank you for sharing your imagination and creativity with us.
3Rapunzel chapter 26 . 12/21/2023
While the story is interesting so far the author has a tendency to ramble on and there's no romances so far
CallistoArc chapter 108 . 10/9/2023
loved the book. your words and plot were amazing, you've made me laugh and smile while on the edge of my seat with suspense. And in the last few chapters, in tears. You have a gift for writing, my friend. I see this book was written 12 years ago, I Hope you've been able to become a great writer and published many things.
Guest chapter 29 . 5/24/2023
According to cannon, Hermione would have turned 12 in September in her first year. So she would have been 17 in Sept her 6th year and turning 18 in Sept of what would have otherwise been her 7th year. Canon also has consistently followed this convention. An author could certainly fiddle with that for whatever plot convention is needed, but I’ve never seen it done before. If there is no plot reason why to change her age, then it would really be better for the story for her to be placed back with her cannon age. There is already a little discomfort around age issues, so having her be a year younger than cannon increases that discomfort.
fly-flap chapter 108 . 11/4/2022
Thank you for this story!
It's an interesting piece of work. And I absolutly adored the epilogue. How the children adore their Uncle Severus and Aunt Hermione, it's just fantastic :D
Chobug23 chapter 108 . 10/28/2022
This was soooo freaking good. Thank you for taking the time to write and finish this epic!
BlueWater5 chapter 106 . 4/18/2022
Beautifully written post-battle scenes.
BlueWater5 chapter 105 . 4/18/2022
Beautifully written battle scenes.
BlueWater5 chapter 103 . 4/18/2022
Well written thoughts on the eve of battle.
BlueWater5 chapter 102 . 4/18/2022
I'm not sure why marrying before a battle is the action of a cad.
BlueWater5 chapter 101 . 4/18/2022
I loved the scene of Snape meeting Hermione's parents.
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