Reviews for Blue Moon Over Manka's
cecilia4059 chapter 2 . 2/4/2012
The movies part of this chapter is very insightful. But, just like Bella, I can't stomach those movies with sad ending. RL is cruel enough I really don't need those movies to make me cry even more. Love these two chapters so far. Thanks.
cecilia4059 chapter 1 . 2/4/2012
I just found this story today and just have to read it. It happened in the end of clipse and before the wedding just my favorite time slot. However, the last update was in 08, well, I hope you haven't abandoned this story. I'd love to read the whole story. Thanks.
rob-and-kristen chapter 39 . 1/12/2012
Honestly, this has got to be the BEST fanfiction I've read for all of Twilight. I may be new to fanfic, but I'm not new to spotting talent. And you, Cullenista, are amazing. Right from chapter 1 you had me hooked and I stayed up pretty much all last night and a little bit today to finish this. I absolutely love everything about BMOM.

You do not write OOC characters, something I greatly appreciate. Yet you are willing to let Bellward expand their relationship, but with limitations. I hate when in AU stories randomly Edward is all about sex sex and more sex.

Every single line in the story I savoured and read over again. I'm ready to read this again already! It could actually be a novella that goes between Eclipse and Breaking Dawn.

Now to the sad part, you havent updated since 08. Its 2012. I know you say that you are finishing it (at least you said that in '10) but there wasn't that much left in their weekend anyways! I think it could have been written by now.

I hate when authors abandon their story. Bad ones don't really bug me but this fic I just cant let go. Please please please please please PLEASE update. Or give it up for adoption to another fantasic writer.

If you don't plan on continuing, then I reccommend removing this story from fanfiction. It is sad to say that I regret reading it, because now all I want is more of it. Stephenie Meyer didn't quit Breaking Dawn 3/4 through, you shouldn't stop yours.

I would hate for more people to be let down like I am. I NeED more. Others do too. I mean this from the bottom of my heart when I say you are the GREATESt author on fanfiction. Actually, you are probably even better than Stephenie Meyer. (Well, in descriptive ways).

I love your Bella and Edward. Please update, if you're not going to, then just take it down. No sense keeping it if you arent going to finish. It just gives false hope.

Keep going, I don't want to see this as an unfinished fic. I need to finish this story eventually, preferably before the end of this year D:
MarzxD chapter 39 . 12/31/2011
D: whyyy did you stop there?

this is the best story i've ever read!

you should really continue! it is excellent ;D xx
madnessdownunder2 chapter 33 . 11/4/2011
Poor poor Bella1 He still wont give her what she wants. Honestly how hard could it be for him to properly run his fingers over her, or to let her do it? Why for once cant she have what she wants, but she never does, she must please everyone else!
madnessdownunder2 chapter 26 . 11/4/2011
He's the one that doesn't get it! She was trying to do something for him, but he belittles it, he wont listen. He thibnks he knows everything. Ok she was in danger, but he must listen to her needs too, and he doesnt!
madnessdownunder2 chapter 19 . 11/4/2011
So after he blackmailed her into marrying him, he's having doubts? she has to prove HER love? Is he going to break his promise and not give her the only thing she's ever really asked of him? Sure he doesn'r want to control her! He's done nothing but since they first met I am far from amused, but it will be interesting to see where this goes1
madnessdownunder2 chapter 17 . 11/4/2011
Poor poor bella! Edward is really being a jerk isn't he?
madnessdownunder2 chapter 15 . 11/4/2011
So far quite enjoyable, but I still feel sorry for Bella! Can't she have one thing for herself? Is this asking too much?
madnessdownunder2 chapter 6 . 11/4/2011
very good, but you are forgetting one small detail, the werewolf imprinting. If Bella were truely Jakes he would have imprinted on her, but he didn't. So Bella was to be with him til he did find the right girl, then get her heart ripped to shreads (again) because he THOUGHT she was the one? I don't think so!
indyjones88 chapter 39 . 11/1/2011

Thank you for writing this wonderful story. BMOM was the very first fan fiction that I ever read (in 2009) and your writing started what has now become my own personal obsession with ff. Every once in a while, I check in to see whatever became of "this" Bella and Edward. Alas, they are still in that shower :-) Hope life is treating you well and that you continue to be inspired by the world around you.
AshWolf Forever chapter 39 . 10/30/2011
Simply amazing. I wish there was more.
serenity2005 chapter 3 . 9/9/2011
omg I have read alot of stories on fanfic and this is my absolute favorite. you are a excellent writer. you pulled me. I see it has been along time since you have updated maybe your done with it. If so that is such a crime it was so beautifully done. I want to know the ending the suspense is killing me. It's as bad as waiting for the last 2 movies to come out. Please for the love of 4thousand and some odd fans. finish this wonderful story for us!
msiloverobpattinson chapter 39 . 8/25/2011
please finish this story :$
charmed1980 chapter 39 . 8/15/2011
really enjoying story just wondering when next chapter will be on can't wait
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