Reviews for Blue Moon Over Manka's
MissNikita chapter 5 . 12/20/2010
OMG tortured souls much...

These two need to sit down and have a true conversation with eachother, where they both speak from deep within their souls, instead of telling half truths worried about hurting the other one.
MissNikita chapter 1 . 12/17/2010
I love reading my stories in one straight go, even tho it takes a bit longer in english (i'm dutch) after chapter 1 I am suddenly not happy I will be leaving early in the morning for a weekend trip, I wanna read.
bellafan777 chapter 32 . 11/16/2010
Hi - I'm re-reading, ever hopeful for an update :) I loved their honesty in this chapter. Bella's line: "I love you unconditionally. There are things you could do that would hurt me, but I would forgive you… I couldn't live without you" is something I should definitely express more often to my husband. Thanks, again, for a great story.
lasyanitya chapter 39 . 10/30/2010
hey did u stoped uploading the story ?

pls dont it was really awesome
razorplum chapter 27 . 10/11/2010
I know that you want to show Edward's love for Bella as being the reason for his protectiveness, but this chapter wreaks of sexist behavior. How many times do you bring up the themes of a woman unable to think for herself? He alludes to wanting her barefoot, and calls her a silly goose! Then he wonders why she has self esteem problem. Did you really want to portray him as an overbearing ass and her as a meek, unthinking (I just wasn't thinking, Edward...)mouse? I just think you could have had a better balance here, so the women in their 20s reading this don't think this should ever be the norm for a relationship.
twiharder2 chapter 39 . 10/4/2010
So looking forward to your next chapter! Truly enjoyed your story so far! KC
twiharder2 chapter 36 . 10/3/2010
OMG! I'm so glad we finally got to orgasm! I have to go take a cold shower now! LOL! THANKS!
punz chapter 23 . 10/3/2010
This is my favorite chapter by far. This really needed to happen in the series. They both needed to be alone and just talk about Edward leaving and Bella's betrayal. I was very upset that both of those issues were just swept under the carpet by SM. I felt that both Edward and Bella needed to tell each other just how much they hurt each one another, learn from their mistakes and move on. My favorite part was Edward actually telling Bella how he felt about everything with Jacob. You normally hear Bella's take on Edward leaving -every other fic I see is a New Moon AU where Bella becomes a hyped up version of Roseanne and treats Edward like a doormat- but you rarely see a TwiFic author who allows Edward to express how deeply Bella hurt him. I felt her actions with Jacob overshadows Edward leaving in New Moon, but I guess that is debatable. Anyway, great chapter and thanks for sharing.
twiharder2 chapter 30 . 10/3/2010
I really loved this chapter for the wonderful romance. I appreciated the well written and error-free story, THANKS! KC
twiharder2 chapter 28 . 10/2/2010
Wonderfully written, I'm having a great time! KC
twiharder2 chapter 22 . 10/2/2010
I agree, it is pretty much canon and your view might be considered a healthier outlook than the submissive tact Bella takes in the original. KC
twiharder2 chapter 17 . 10/1/2010
Delightful. KC
twiharder2 chapter 16 . 10/1/2010
Delicious. KC
twiharder2 chapter 11 . 10/1/2010
Ok, Just a word or two. You got me... I'm in for the ride! KC
twiharder2 chapter 10 . 10/1/2010
I'm really enjoying your story. I love the music, some is new to me and some I remember well... but it all seems to be great choices for Edward and Bella. GOOD JOB!
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