Reviews for The story of Uzumaki Naruto
SnowVyn chapter 1 . 1/11
Youtuber Kestral Fiction stole your story and many others stories as well and profit off them on YouTube. File a copyright claim to help get that channel banned.

Loved reading this story though.
Guest chapter 3 . 7/23/2024
Your writing is shit../...
bibink729 chapter 11 . 7/7/2024
AkerinSilver chapter 45 . 6/7/2024
I love this story and i am a bit sad in how it ended.
Markan999 chapter 16 . 4/1/2024
This Naruto is more like Tobirama, both are sword expert and both create their own jutsus without the help of a bloodline or something similar.
Markan999 chapter 10 . 4/1/2024
This was real a ninja fight, no Talk No Jutsu or Kyuubi powers. Only skills and tactics, kill or be killed. This fic is truly a work of art.
Markan999 chapter 8 . 3/31/2024
Man, he took down Zabuza in a realistic way without being OP or godlike, I know Zabuza was underestimating him but that was the key and paid the price for that. This is the most shinobi-like Naruto I have seen.
Rendou chapter 16 . 3/8/2024
Wished Naruto signed the Snake summons, but Toads are cOol I guess. It would be awesome to see Naruto have Snake Sage Mode during the war.
Rendou chapter 16 . 3/8/2024
Not going to lie, having Neji vs Hinata during the Chuunin Finals is a better place than in the Prelims. Never understand why Kishimoto wrote that why but whatevs
Rendou chapter 1 . 3/8/2024
Not telling Naruto the truth is more damaging than telling him the truth. Honestly it’s just a form of manipulation at best… Seriously Naruto is too damn trusting.

“Reason why no one told you because I made it a lawI did this so you can make friends” Bah just a loud of bullshit! Esspecially when said law is ignored and the parents of the children stating to them to staying away from Naruto because he’s a “demon” and so on and so forth…. Hiruzen’s nepotism of Naruto’s well-being is digusting.
Rendou chapter 1 . 3/8/2024
Naruto ‘s (CanonFanfics) is so damn gulible that is so damn annoying
Pvtcheeks chapter 5 . 1/1/2024
That is the stupidest fucking reason I’ve heard yet as to why he would purposefully not use shadow clones. That literally makes no sende to waste a tool THAT useful dude.

I need a better reason than that because it only makes it feel like you realized he got strong to quick and have no clue what to do now… it is utterly dumb in every sense of the word, because let go into a situation here for a second.

Naruto learns a technique this retarded way, but he doesnt master it when he could have using shadow clones right away, and news flash HAD HE LEARNED IT USING SHADOW CLONES ANKO WOULDNT HAVE DIED BECAUSE HE COULD HAVE MASTERED THE TECHNIQUE TO WHAT IS NEEDED FOR THE SITUATIO.

Sorry for yelling but my guy, why THE FUCK, would any person in the world slow down learning potentially killing someone he loves or something similar because of pride NeEdIng tO LeArN iT FiRSt FoR mY EgO, STUPID ASS SHIT BRO. Like FUCK MAN, you are possibly putting your precious people in danger by doing this shit and that NEVER flys with me.

Utter garbage reason to slow his power progression because you didnt think it out that far my guy. Utter garbage reason to slow down his power progression.
Pvtcheeks chapter 3 . 1/1/2024
Oof the “defiantly” instead of “definitely” strikes again XDDDDDDD
Fabricimo chapter 45 . 12/30/2023
Gaan we nog een vervolg krijgen? Dit is toch een van m’n favoriete Naruto fanfic’s
Jamasonqueen88 chapter 10 . 12/3/2023
I have to admit that the technique that naruto made was absolutely epic and really in line of traditional technique naming. Bravo!
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