Reviews for Harry Potter and the Marriage Contracts
not a fan chapter 14 . 8/25
I'm sorry to say that even though I like the story, it lost all meaning after Harry saves Daphne from marrying the Romanian Count...

My thought process for saying that is this: Daphne has been raped and tortured. The perpetrators (her father, the Count, and the Count's family/guards) haven't suffered anything, of course 2 are dead, but they haven't suffered enough, and those who worked for the Count haven't even suffered a threat... I feel like stories where the villains can torture the protagonists for many chapters and then not suffer the consequences aren't good stories (I don't count dying painlessly as a consequence)

Cyrus should have lived in poverty for the rest of his days, knowing that both his ex-wife and ex-daughter were living the good life in luxury and being happy

The Count's family and his guards should have ended up as outcasts of society at the very least, but it would be better if they ended up with nothing too

And it's even worse because I think the Count stole Daphne's virginity (I don't know but I think I'm not wrong) so I'm sorry but I don't think I'll recommend this story even if I liked it.
Lukoshi chapter 12 . 8/25
Yeah Daphne getting essentially raped came way out of left field, didn't expect any of that to happen and honestly it really jarred me out of the story from what had been a really enjoyable read and seeing their relationship blossom. Could have easily not included that at all.
turryemm chapter 5 . 8/22
let me appreciate this chapter. it was really good storytelling byt I am highly against using thr R**p word to describe some pure sexual relationship .. its disgusting .. if you see it please try to use some mild word like assaulting .. with this the joke your slipping here can remain as it is
Abstract01 chapter 14 . 8/9
Your notes covered all that I would say . . .
Thanks for a well-crafted, emotional, enjoyable read!
Nylnej chapter 2 . 8/7
Great chapter. I like how you've written the friendship between Harry and Neville.
Pillager61 chapter 14 . 6/27
This was just so much FUN to read. . . I'm in trouble for binging this entire story I stead of sleeping, (not my fault the meds didn't kick in.)
Start to finish I could see the logic and the love.
Harry Potter wins a girl's heart again.
Pillager61 chapter 13 . 6/27
The Quibbler review by Lina was to due for! Damn that was FUNNY!
csheila chapter 14 . 6/24
Brava, brava

The best punishment
csheila chapter 13 . 6/24
I LUV this story. But the omakes are special
csheila chapter 12 . 6/24
No blindsiding. The bastard used Clause No. 9

Moody is a great grandpa. Calling in the debts was classic
csheila chapter 11 . 6/24
Go, go, go
csheila chapter 10 . 6/24
Well done but now rescue Daphne
csheila chapter 9 . 6/24
Sweet set of scenes.

Love how Winky fixed everything (including the porn).
csheila chapter 8 . 6/24
Let us know how the Patil sisters handled the brother. I would scatter between Scotland and India.

The stories get better each time.

So great that Luna is related. He gets tk keep her and Hermione
csheila chapter 7 . 6/24
What a splendid and effective prank

Your money conversion makes more sense
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