Reviews for No Paddle
storyfan101 chapter 1 . 2/24/2008
Just like I know that the sun will rise again tomorrow, i know that after nights like this one, McCormick will still insist on leaving the gun behind.

I love your stories and this one is no exception. Wonderful plot, great banter and fabulous ending line. Who can ask for more? (Except for more stories, of course.)
smithcrafter chapter 1 . 2/20/2008
This was good, but it could have been expanded into a much longer story.
cheride chapter 1 . 2/19/2008
My favorite part? The ending. It's absolutely perfect.

But I have to admit I have a fondness for McC realizing he was right about the Chevy, as well as the way he breaks it down for the bad guy that sometimes too much ambition can be a bad thing.

All in all, another very nice outing.
JeanneZ84 chapter 1 . 2/18/2008
I read this in the CDFanzine too.I have so much enjoyed all these stories.

I always look forward to reading more.

Well since they got in the wreck Mark had to be the one to try and get help and he ends up seeing the bad guy instead.

Thank God Milt and Mark always have the other back or Mark could have been hurt or killed this always knows when to show up.

owlcroft chapter 1 . 2/18/2008
There are way too many good lines in this to start quoting. There's a nice plot, a terrific display of personality and character on both sides, and great banter. Just another wonderful job of showing us an excerpt from the life of the curmudgeon and the quipster.