Reviews for A Young British Soldier
Nearing Midnight chapter 12 . 10/26/2015
Great story! :D
tripleransom chapter 12 . 1/22/2014
Another terrific story.
This one is not quite as gripping as OAP, but the situation is not as dire and you're covering more familiar ground. That said, it's thoroughly entertaining and I enjoyed it very much.
Thanks for a great read.
(And yes, the review of OAP was me. I didn't realise I wasn't logged in.)
Madame Minuit12 chapter 12 . 11/9/2013
great, I really enjoyed it!
Dogmatil chapter 12 . 10/6/2013
I really loved this story! I already read the other story with Ives where the doctors are getting killed which was really awesome as well.
But I liked this one so much because of how Holmes for once was the one supporting Watson to work through his memories. I truely do believe that Holmes was actually a great friend for Watson and would have done such a thing.
falconer54 chapter 12 . 11/25/2012
Good chapter, I think it ties the story together really well. Great job. This is going on my favorites (or it would, if it weren't already there)
falconer54 chapter 11 . 11/25/2012
Come on now, Holmes, have more faith in Watson... Good chapter, I thought the tension was at a perfect level.
falconer54 chapter 10 . 11/25/2012
That must have been quite a sight!
falconer54 chapter 9 . 11/25/2012
Oh, Ives does not dissapoint. And I think Holmes nailed it:

Reading patients' mail, falsifying serious medical conditions . . . the Army must have been relieved to get rid of him.

I wonder why he WASN'T court- martialed...
Great job,
falconer54 chapter 8 . 11/25/2012
So i guess I'll have to settle with throwing vegetables. just kidding, it was great chapter. i'm glad Ives is making a reappearance. I like how Watson mentiones the similarities between Holmes' and Ives' characters. And it seems Ives got a housekeeper to match his personality! :)
falconer54 chapter 7 . 11/23/2012
I'm so glad Murray makes an appearance. i'm a big Murray fan. Netley made a bad move on rejecting Watson...but their loss.

"You were quite right not to take my service revolver that day," Watson offered. "I did have use for it afterwards, many times."
This reference went over my head but it was clearly the nudge Murray needed to part the mists of memory. "My God! Dr. Watson!" He laughed in delight. "Whatever are you doing at Netley?"
Watson was grinning broadly. "Looking for you. Murray, this is Sherlock Holmes. Holmes, Dr. Henry Murray(2)."

i love that part of the chapter, i can picture it very well and it has a quality to it that I cannot name. Great job
falconer54 chapter 6 . 11/23/2012
Great chapter... I can't believe Colonel Hayter asked that either, but I daresay Watson's reaction was priceless. And I love how you had Holmes amass the collection of Watson's comerades. Holmes may not show much emotion, but it is actions such ad that that show just how much he values his friendship with Watson.
falconer54 chapter 5 . 11/23/2012
Good chapter, love the angst. Good detail about the memory, well researched. I think both Holmes and Watson were in character. Good job.
falconer54 chapter 4 . 11/23/2012
I (of course) love the angst. And (again, of course) love the story of what happened to Watson. His discription was conscise, and yet very detailed. I could almost see the horror of it myself. brilliant chapter.
falconer54 chapter 3 . 11/23/2012
Wow... Great chapter. I don't know what else to say. Of corse being a stickler for angst, I loved Watson telling Holmes about Afghanistan. Good job.
falconer54 chapter 2 . 11/23/2012
Good chapter. Poor Watson... Although I doubt the man would want my pity. And the last part wascruel, even for Holmes.
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