Reviews for Shade of the Leaf
sakuracyan chapter 1 . 10/25/2024
love it
ladytsunade25 chapter 6 . 9/10/2024
I was supposed to just read a chapter or two before bed, but ended up staying up two hours past my bedtime to finish this book because it was so amazing. I don’t know what crack was in this book, but I want it in every other fanfic that I read for the rest of my life. 10/10. I feel like i could re-read this book today and still find new surprises in it. This author was literally born to write fanfic. This is my first narusaku pairing that i’ve ever read and im afraid that i’ll never find anything this good again.
Anon chapter 6 . 8/16/2024
I have always loved this story - I re-read it frequently. Thank you
Fabricimo chapter 6 . 10/11/2023
Nice chapter, i hope the story is going to continue.
John65187683 chapter 3 . 10/3/2023
John65187683 chapter 2 . 10/3/2023
Sassassassin chapter 1 . 8/29/2023
I've probably commented before in the past years but I come back to this story everytime I go back to my favorites stories, maybe once every two three years, and I still love it all the same! it's a wonderful read
ktyk chapter 6 . 7/10/2023
Omg if I could favorite this story all over again I would. Such a masterpiece. You carried the plot well, I loved the team 7 dynamic you kept consistent throughout the entire story. You developed Sasuke’s character beautifully and didn’t leave him as a background character. Even all of the different mission snippets were such pleasurable reads. Truly an amazing story you’ve written through and through after all these years x3
ktyk chapter 2 . 7/9/2023
“Around the camp fire, there was only their 'now' and the 'what ifs' only crowded in a little.” Oh my gosh love this line
ktyk chapter 1 . 7/9/2023
I’m rereading this again after all these years and I forgot how much I loved this story. Your writing and storytelling proves incredible even after all of the time that has passed
gamerboy1931 chapter 6 . 1/7/2023
QuixoticDaydreams chapter 1 . 12/2/2022
Ah yes back for my yearly read of this. The older I get the more intensely I appreciate this grown and sexy Naruto. You really did a beautiful job maturing him without making it feel like an OV with his face.
Aww chapter 6 . 8/9/2022
Felicyyy chapter 6 . 7/29/2022
This is seriously so beautiful! Glad I found this masterpiece and hoping you’ll continue it
Cinnamonella chapter 6 . 7/6/2022
what a decent work. thank you.
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