Reviews for A Warm Touch of Magic
TalaDentro chapter 45 . 6/16/2018
Amazing story. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Riya1112 chapter 45 . 3/25/2018
I really loved this story. I loved the relationship between Harry and Sev. This was beautiful. I really loved the interaction between Harry and old Snape. That was really touching. The last bit of interaction between Snape, James, Lily and Sirius was hilarious. I totally cracked up! This was an amazing story. I have read very few Harry/Ron stories and I have to say I really enjoyed your story. Your portrayal of their relationship is simply beautiful. Thank you for sharing this.
Books85 chapter 45 . 3/18/2018
I don’t know about the person who requested this epilogue , but I thoroughly enjoyed it . While I appreciate your habit of condensing your writing to avoid repetition , ( Thank you, E B Whìte!) I sometimes miss points that are not clearly and expressly made.

This is my failing, not yours. I thank you for your body of work, and am glad that you have continued to write. Thank you .
mizz-sunshin3 chapter 45 . 3/13/2018
Toddler Sev and his relationship with his Harry, Ronnie, and Grandfather was too cute!
Sky Art chapter 17 . 1/14/2018
Ron has Blue eyes not brown
silentlyfallen chapter 45 . 10/9/2017
I love ur story soooo sweet
Morgana Darkmore chapter 45 . 6/26/2017
That scene with the old Snape and Harry made me cry. However, the scene between Snape, Lily, James and Sirius cracked me up. I was rolling on the floor it was hilarius! Thanks for writing such a great story.
Guest chapter 44 . 5/30/2017
That last scene with old Snape and Harry was just heart-wrenching. I loved this!
FanfictionIsMyFavouriteDrug chapter 45 . 3/25/2017
I adore this story it is a brilliant perspective on both Harry's side as well as Albus's I love how you have concluded it in so many cases I have come across it always annoyed me that Severus became older and had both memories. As while I do understand that perspective it confused me. But I love how you have finished it I love how the reunion was stabilised. So well done!
Guest chapter 45 . 3/1/2017
I loved it, wish it was a little longer, but still loved it, was wondering if there was more possible...or a sequel something like years later, seeing a glimpse further into there life, little sev graduating, his getting his potions mastery, Harry and families support there, what's his relationship with his sister like by then...maybe a little of little Severus settling down, a last moment between him and harry before he passes. Old/professor severus meeting Harry in the afterlife, hearing about everything, and later maybe ron showing. Little snippets of life and the family.
LadyClassy chapter 45 . 6/24/2016
That Is The Best,Sad,Romantic Story I Have Ever Read! I Mean Really Is Awsome! Love The Way You Wrote It _~ I hope You Other Stories Are Like This Or Even Better Maybe Diferent?:D
Mayan.Goddess chapter 45 . 4/6/2016
There are very few Harry/Ron stories that are good, this was amazing, I wish it had a bit of smut though, I'm not too ticked by it though. Congrats, great story! Xx Maya
Mayan.Goddess chapter 9 . 4/6/2016
This chapter was beautiful! The description of the cottage and the care Harry took with small Severus was amazing. Btw, do you have some links about that cottage in Ireland, it sounds whimsical. Xx Maya
SaiyaCat chapter 45 . 2/22/2016
Hehehe I skipped to the end.
SaiyaCat chapter 6 . 2/15/2016
Wow So Cool. THat is one hell ofa Goblin Harry has helping him
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