Reviews for Totality
Kageyjay chapter 4 . 3/24/2018
After all he really does love her. Thanks for letting Edward tell his side of the story.
Kageyjay chapter 3 . 3/24/2018
Well. As usual (Midnight Sun) What Edward looks like on the outside isn't what was going on underneath his surface. He did reign his actions somewhat though.
Kageyjay chapter 2 . 3/24/2018
They were not perfect, none of them. I think Bella started out kind of selfish and whiny, and Edward was certainly over protective. Jacob was a hormonal teenager, who was also compassionate with his friend. As the story progressed though they all learned to be better. They had a lot of difficulties getting there. I think maybe Jacob even more than either Bella or Edward. Maybe. I think it took Edward this long to finally learn, against his instincts, to be less (over)protective of Bella. I love how you caught his thoughts at what I think is a crucial time in their 'growing up', in how they treat each other
Kageyjay chapter 1 . 3/24/2018
I love hearing Edward's thoughts. Thank you for sharing them with me. ;)
ilovedobermans chapter 2 . 2/20/2018
I love hearing Edward's pov! His thoughts, emotions.
RubyDee chapter 1 . 1/27/2015
This chapter of the book has been one of my favorites of the entire series and now your interpretation is one of my favorite fanfics. Thank you so much for doing this in such a beautiful, tasteful way.
Tkg chapter 4 . 10/17/2014
I loved it... Why did you stop? (
azyungalah chapter 2 . 5/21/2014
God, I love your writing and really do love this series. But now that I've experienced life a little more, since these books came out almost ten years ago, it bugs me so much to see how controlling Edward is. Almost every paragraph says something about him 'allowing her her freedom' and that bugs the crap out of me because that's so wrong, because a man isn't automatically in control of a woman when they are in a relationship. Don't get me wrong, I still love this story and all the fanfics I've read about it (particularly yours) but I just can't help but frown whenever I read something about Edward being a controlling boyfriend, like he owns Bella or something.
aniseed flower chapter 4 . 4/24/2014
Ohhh poor edward! Thanks for writing. :o)
Motherof8 chapter 4 . 1/22/2013
Luckily I was alone reading this as I was laughing out loud. You are amazing, How about the tent scene with Edward and Jacob. I can imagine what you would do with that. Lol
Motherof8 chapter 3 . 1/22/2013
So cute and funny
Motherof8 chapter 1 . 1/22/2013
Love it
abbyweyr chapter 4 . 1/7/2013
Great ending - meadow and her heart beat. Thanks for sharing Edward's thoughts. You do him so well.
abbyweyr chapter 3 . 1/7/2013
'couldn't carry a grudge if it was in a sack over her shoulder' nicely put.
abbyweyr chapter 2 . 1/7/2013
Well Edward you haven't given her any real idea of what she does to you, so how can she realize it?
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