Reviews for Promise Me Love
wisegirl9876 chapter 35 . 3/28/2017
Wow! This was an amazing story. You are such an excellent writer!
Calypso chapter 32 . 3/28/2017
Good chappi3, but why? :(
Calypso chapter 28 . 3/28/2017
It is so amazing! You are a great writer. Don't doubt yourself.
aamlkb chapter 25 . 3/24/2017
Hahaha. Love it! Now what are you going to do Draco?!
aamlkb chapter 24 . 3/24/2017
Aww how cute
oldstardust chapter 35 . 3/13/2017
Wonderful! I loved it to pieces! Genuinely! Narcissa was my favorite character here. I loved how you made Hermione suffer, because I just love a story where Hermione is sad/hurt/etc. *shifty eyes* Don't look at my weirdly! Wonderful story! Just about broke my heart. In a good way.
Guest chapter 23 . 3/6/2017
Your time line is awful!
First we're in November for Black Friday, then we jump to Dracos birthday which is June 5th, then BOOM we've arrived at September 19th for Hermione's birthday.
I'm very much enjoying the story however this timeline issue is rather painful.
Guest chapter 36 . 2/26/2017
One word : Indescribable! So damn funny , emotional ,romantic and lots more ! U have a great writing style pls continue ..
Serenity20251 chapter 35 . 2/20/2017
This is a really beautiful story I liked it a lot it's one of the best I've read
Ritvika chapter 35 . 2/16/2017
This was absolutely beautiful. And I loved Lucius's character the most. I agree it was ooc... Well the whole family was ooc but he was the best. Especially when he says "reputation" and Narcissa and Draco use his exterior demeanor to get Steph out of the manor. That was my favorite scene. Keep writing, I loved this.
Medieval Midnight chapter 10 . 1/2/2017
Just a little note, we don't have Walmart in England.
leonix2009 chapter 36 . 12/21/2016
great story i really loved it
Guest chapter 12 . 12/2/2016
What the actual hell I can't breathe ahahahahahahahahahhahah
GeekyGirl19 chapter 13 . 11/22/2016
Oh its killed me! It's killed me! This just keeps getting better and better! First the bet at walmart then then the amusement park and the hot dogs oh my gosh this is brilliant! I love this story!
Guest chapter 35 . 10/24/2016
I don't normally write reviews but I felt that I had to for this story. It made me laugh, especially the part with the roller coaster and Bob the piglet; it made cry, the part when Stephanie told Hermione 'Draco and I'; and it made my heart melt at the cuteness of the two them cooking and on her birthday and in the end when he waited at the train station. This is one of the best stories I've read, considering the number I've read that's something (good of course), so thank you for sharing this wonderful story with the world.
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