Reviews for Nobody Sees Me Wishing
SmilingLitchi chapter 1 . 2/6
I remember reading this a few years back. No other fanfic is memorable as this one for me. i don't know why, but this fanfic holds a special place in my heart. I sometimes come back to it, to reread everything again. Such a masterpiece. Thank you for writing this. People's opinions might differ, but for me, this fanfic is perfect.
Fullevermore chapter 78 . 10/22/2024
HighQueenofNarnia chapter 163 . 8/13/2024
Omg. I worked so hard to read this and i'm crying.
Whyyyyyy is she deadddd. nooooooooooo noo
she was so good she didn't deserve to die
HighQueenofNarnia chapter 122 . 8/13/2024
wow that escalated quickly
HighQueenofNarnia chapter 113 . 8/13/2024
Did I mention how amaazing this is?
Well it's amazign and one of my new fav fanfics!
HighQueenofNarnia chapter 112 . 8/13/2024
OMg I love this so much! You're writing is stupendous! I've dropped all the other fanfics I've been reading to read this including updating my own!
I love this so much!
HighQueenofNarnia chapter 88 . 8/12/2024
"He better enjoy it while it lasts. Cuz tomorrow he dies."
Omgoodness I love that so much
HighQueenofNarnia chapter 74 . 8/9/2024
Love this chapter so much!

and the snowball fight so cute
HighQueenofNarnia chapter 31 . 8/6/2024
This is cracking me up! So funny! I love it
back028 chapter 163 . 7/31/2024
such a good story. the ending was a bit upsetting, but it was still wonderful. brb gotta go cry really quick
Imaginary Owls chapter 163 . 4/7/2024
Even after 16 years I still think about this fanfic. And I've reread it for the 2737283th time. And here I am still crying like a baby even tho I know how it ends this is still one of my favorite stories, not just fanfics but stories in general.
Concerned reader chapter 130 . 11/25/2022
There is no chemistry between sirius and oc. OC is so stupid I want to kill her by my bare hands. Remus should have stuck with Dorcas instead of pining over OC. I enjoyed reading it and slept for 4 hours last night
Flaum chapter 163 . 8/7/2022
Who wants to help me off this author? this writer right here?
Flaum chapter 163 . 8/7/2022
ahh regrets are sweet, but tears are salty, like mine rn
Flaum chapter 162 . 8/7/2022
oh that's good. an accident that other people in Ivy's life would regret to. i love regrets. it makes them human.
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