Reviews for The Way of the Wind
sillymandym chapter 25 . 1/18/2020
this was a bit long winded. The slow burn lasted 22 chapters before finally getting to the fireworks. It was worth it in the end.
shannaro-sakura chapter 25 . 1/17/2020
So I stumbled upon this story some years ago, maybe 6? And in hindsight I realise that it was actually this story that made me even consider ItaSaku. Nowadays, I am a huge fan and its my otp. When birkastan recommended your story on her tumblr, the title felt kind of familiar and I had this feeling that I should read it. Within the first three sentences I recognised it.. And I found out that I remembered so much about it, though it was more than five years ago. I even remember the city where I lived at that time and how I used to read this story while sitting in the bus.
I guess in my narcissistic way, I try to tell you how much of an impact you had on me.
I reread it again now and it's still as amazing as I remember. Nowadays, I prefer a nicer, softer version of Itachi. And I caught myself shaking my head at how controlling Itachi is here. But it sure makes sense and it perfectly explained. He is a genius, his brain works different and he treats his favourite people really well. Gosh I hope my review is not boring and annoying to you... To keep it short:
I loved this. It changed parts of my life. This story made me fall in love with Itachi and ItaSaku. Thank you so so much for sharing it with us. If I could, I would have this printed out as a book, standing on my bookshelf. Because I deeply love it.
After all those years?
Birkastan2018 chapter 25 . 1/4/2020
Dear authors, this was absolutely incredible... and a shining example of why I love fanfiction so much. I can't even begin to imagine how much of an undertaking a story of this magnitude was to plan, outline and write... and I can't believe I just read it (Again) for free. Thank you so much for sacrificing the time to write and share it with us. It's a firm favorite that I know I'll continue to come back to again and again!
Birkastan2018 chapter 24 . 1/4/2020
DEar authors, I love the opening scene of this chapter... so this is how Team 7 stayed together through the years despite the Uchiha's trying to remove Sasuke from his team at every turn! I love how even then - just newly minted chuunin, these three took Kakashi's lessons to heart and chose to stick together - in the face of Fugaku and the Uchiha elders. It says so much about Sasuke, his growth, and the positive influence his team had on him. It's awesome to read because all of those flashbacks of Itachi observing his brother, his father's machinations and attempts to thwart the boundaries Mikoto set for her sons, and his careful monitoring to ensure that sasuke grew a spine and learned to think for himself all make sense. Itachi's reasoning for abdicating are also beyond brilliant - not only will this give Sasuke the authority and regard he always sought from his father, but he'd be a strong ally for Naruto and vis versa. Again, Itachi's always 100 steps ahead and it's so much fun to read. I love Naruto's reaction to all of this - and Sasuke's... how the boys eventually considered what Itachi would do to make her happy if he gave up his position as heir, and resolved to face whatever happened in their relationship as her family. The interpersonal dynamics in this story are sensational - I love reading how everyone is written so much!
Birkastan2018 chapter 23 . 1/4/2020
Dear authors, the way the plotline/intrigue concerning the infiltration of the village, the mystery of Michi and Mai and the attack at the hospital, the multiple interwoven schemes involving Danzo, Root, orochi and the Akatsuki were so brilliantly tied up in this chapter. The outcome was so sharp, so clear, and above all - an absolute BLAST to read because suddenly all of the clues and nuggets that were dropped in prior chapters makes sense... Again, I never cease to be amazed by how many steps Itachi is in this story... as always, thank you so much for writing and sharing these stellar chapters with us!
Birkastan2018 chapter 20 . 1/4/2020
Dear authors, I love reading that exchange between mother and son in the flashback at the start of the chapter. This line is everything I love and revere about the Mikoto you wrote in this story: "And a mother's instinct had no equal in the world of shinobi; regardless to what her husband's opinion on the matter was." Now I know where Itachi's extraordinary ability to turn his weaknesses to strength stems from... perfect perfect perfect! And finally, I love how we get confirmation of Mai and Michi's roles in all of this.
Birkastan2018 chapter 19 . 1/4/2020
Dear authors, Itachi's two prong traps for Orochimaru and the Akatsuki is CHILLING - I'm in awe of the way this was written, and how many steps ahead Itachi has managed to stay throughout all of this. It's also awesome to read how Sakura can keep up with the best - it's especially gratifying, because we know through her flashbacks how much she struggled with wanting to be enough; wanting to be the best; wanting to be able to do more than just watch Sasuke and Naruto's backs. These two are in a class of their own, and it's thrilling to read. thank you so much for writing and sharing another incredible chapter with us!
Birkastan2018 chapter 17 . 1/4/2020
Dear authors, I LOVE THIS CHAPTER SO MUCH! I love reading the scene where Sakura throws down the gauntlet and tells ITachi her conditions.. what she will and won't stand for. Love the hard line she draws in the sand here. It makes the build up for their joint mission that much more intense!
Birkastan2018 chapter 14 . 1/4/2020
Dear authors, I hope this is alright bc I know this is an ItaSaku story - but can I say MIKOTO IS MY FAVORITE CHARACTER IN THIS FIC?! The way Mikoto is written here is my favorite version of Mikoto ever. The flashback scene with Itachi in the garden at the opening of this chpater is one of my favorites in the story (after that scene in Ch 4 where she carves raw steak with a spoon as she "demonstrates" why Itachi must be allowed to stay at the Academy and graduate with his peers XD) This beautiful, dangerous, noble and cunning Mama Mikoto is ALL THE THINGS and I love reading all of the glorious scenes where we see how she keeps her husband in check and all of the detailed ways she chose to raise Itachi and why... I also love this chapter for the tete a tete between ItaSaku - bc we finally get confirmation that Sakura wants Itachi to stay in her orbit! (yes! finally, self honesty :D) Thank you so much for writing and sharing another awesome chapter with us!
Birkastan2018 chapter 13 . 1/4/2020
Dear authors, I love this chapter so much. Team 7's dynamic is one of my favorite parts about this fic - especially given the way it developed and evolved after Naruto and Sasuke left the village. I love how that impacted Sakura, pushed her to achieve all that she did - and how the guilt of abandoning her impacted the boys, and what made the three of them the inseparable unit they are today. Which is why Sasuke and Naruto's confrontation with Itachi is so much fun to read! that scene is so telling - about who Sakura is to sasuke and Naruto, how strong Itachi truly is, the way his mind works... I also love the ending scene here - how Sakura falls asleep in arms, and getting ITachi's incredible POV on who Sakura has become to him and what makes her different from anyone else he's encountered to date. As always, thank you writing and sharing another AWESOME chapter with us!
Birkastan2018 chapter 10 . 1/4/2020
Dear authors, I love all of the details in this chapter that tell us about this universe. I love how Sasuke thinks he can take Hana on based on a lifetime of observing his nii-san and mother destroy adversaries. I love Team 7's dynamic, and the way Hana and Itsuki were impacted growing up with Itachi on their genin team. I also loved reading Sasuke's observations about the Inuzuka. I also appreciate how ITachi replaced all of Sakura's old sleep shirts with his own! and how she KISSED HIM BACK. She's so screwed!
Birkastan2018 chapter 9 . 1/4/2020
dfnskdfjdflasdblj Dear author, I LOVE this chapter! I love reading Sakura's history with Team Gai, from her POV - and I appreciate that backstory like this was included in the fic because it gives me a more well rounded view of who Sakura is in this AU. Rock Lee is a character I've always loved - ever since he swooped in to Team 7's rescue in the Forest of Death with a squirrel on his shoulder! He's such a sweetheart, and I love his and Sakura's friendship here. Oh itachi... you jealous weirdo!
Birkastan2018 chapter 8 . 1/4/2020
Dear author this is (one of) my favorite chapters in the story! the opening scene is incredible, and this scene that carries over Ch 7 - more so than anything we got in canon, informs Itachi and Sasuke's bond for me. Even though Itachi might antagonize his brother with his quirks and perfectionism - I love the idea that deep down inside, Itachi is Aniki - the one who protects his otouto at all costs, and the one Sasuke has always relied on to keep him safe. I also love reading the headway Sakura gets into the mystery of the akatsuki ring, and I love reading how she's toe to toe with Itachi's brilliant mind. And of course... that KISS! I get the sense that while she might have been outraged by it, it wasn't COMPLETELY unwelcome... kekekeke~! thank you so much for writing and sharing this awesome chapter with us!
Birkastan2018 chapter 7 . 1/3/2020
Dear author, there are so many extraordinary elements about this chapter - Sakura's research into the ring, what it might reveal about the Akatsuki, and Itachi's dynamic with Shikamaru - but my favorite part has to be hands down that flashback from 14 years ago. That, to me, is how I view ITachi and Sasuke as children. Itachi as the protective aniki through and through and Sasuke as the otouto who clung to his every word and relied on Itachi for guidance and protection. I love this story more than I can express. thank you so much for writing and sharing another stellar chapter with us!
Birkastan2018 chapter 6 . 1/3/2020
Dear author, what always strikes me most about this chapter is Team 7's dynamic in this AU - I LOVE THEIR RELATIONSHIP! I especially love the way Sakura's relationship with Sasuke was written here - she's like a diehard loyal ride or die teammate who'll do anything for him, and vis versa. I loved their come to jesus talk at the beginning of the fic, and it informed so much of who they are to each other and what they mean to one another in this AU for me. as always, thank you so much for writing and sharing another awesome chapter with us!
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