Reviews for The Way of the Wind
Hyuga12 chapter 1 . 3/17/2008
i alredy love your story and i'm totally fan of non-massacre and your fic in the mather

hope you udapte soon and good luck for the next chapters
L A Phant chapter 1 . 3/17/2008
Oh goodie! I just love non-massacre Ita/Saku's at the moment, I'm addicted actually...

But more to the point; absolutely loving this story so far and I can't wait for an update!

I think you have both Itachi and Sakura down perfectly. I love that Sakura acts professional, not like I've seen in other fics where she's always blushing and what-not, which gets on my nerves because Sakura is better than that.

Also, she's not afraid to put Itachi in his place which is definitely better than a lot of other fics I've read so yes, this has to be one of my favourite fics already (despite having only read one chapter) and I hope you update really soon! Good luck, I hope you have lots of inspiration!

sammyamber123 chapter 1 . 3/17/2008
wo go sakura boss him around while u can

nice story cant wait for more
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