Reviews for Sound of Pulling Heaven Down
TitanNegro chapter 3 . 12/2/2010
BOY OW BOY,I was almost givin up of fanfiction,so much cliches,and stories that just repeat it selfs...AND PEOPLE STILL SAY ITS THE GREATEST THING IN THE is writen with such a mature look of life...and I don't know,I can put in hear me on this : I'll read this fic to the end,and if you doubt yourself...Don't trust yourself,don't trus in me,trust in the you that believes in yourself.
Ningen Demonai chapter 16 . 12/1/2010
Wow. Just. Wow. Seeing Simon's resolve is really cool, and I love the interaction between everyone. As always, I adore the heck outta this fic and can't wait for more!
justsomeone42 chapter 14 . 11/30/2010
Well, your story is pretty amazing, its even better then the most books I have been reading.
RandomNumbers523156 chapter 16 . 11/4/2010
Three words: FAN!TAS!TIC! This fic really caught my attention. One thing I love about Simon and Nia is the intensity of their relationship, how they really need each other and you captured this very well.

It's the quest of not only Nia to recover her humanity, but also Simon's. After years of nobody believing him, just using the chaos as a mean in itself, ready to create the Spiral Nemesis with his own hands, but then Nia appears. They heal each other and themselves together, that's an important aspect of a relationship, which lacks in most fics (especially in the fics of my main fandom).

Not only the romance is excellent, but the space battles, the details, it's darker and edgier than the original series, but you did right, even if the humor was mostly sacrified (it's a price to pay, but it was worth in this case).

When I started reading I was afraid the end could be bad, but, reading the last chapter, there's a chance that Nia doesn't vanish after the anti-spiral is defeated, there's hope yet. I'll look forward for more, keep up the good work, because this is the best TTGL fic I ever read.
Armoul chapter 16 . 10/20/2010
This fic is just so amazing, I have read it a long time ago but a week ago see you update and remember to write a review

Keep it up, you are doin a great job. It doesn't care how much time to wait, take your time, but do it, please.

Hehe, wish you luck!

Pd. sorry for bad english, I do my best -_-
Life Is Short chapter 1 . 10/14/2010
Damn, you are amazing, good sir. Please continue to astound us with your literary prowess.

Dark fic with a strong kick to it, plus romance. What more can you want?
Mrs. Know-It-All chapter 16 . 9/25/2010
It was very excited to see that my favorite fanfic was still being worked on! As always, your newest installation did not disappoint at ALL _ Great work and I will certainly be anticipating Chapter 17!
Anonymous chapter 16 . 9/14/2010
I'm quite overjoyed that my favorite Gurren Lagann fic is still updating. Looking forward to the next chapter!
Silver W. King chapter 16 . 9/11/2010
damn, smooth moves from Simon, and he also finally scored as well, good going, lol. anyway things are really starting to pick up and looks like next chapter will really be something to look forward to. good job, keep it up.
G.G.L.L.117 chapter 16 . 9/10/2010
Wow, this fic is just SPECTACULAR! I really like how it's going! Keep it up!
The Great Butler chapter 16 . 9/5/2010
I spent all afternoon catching up on the rest of this fic from the beginning.

WOW. That's all I can say.

This story is quite an accomplishment. You started off with a solid concept idea that altered the canon story in an important way, and then you just ran with it, spinning a tale that has the unusual quality of being completely believable if it happened in the context of the canon.

I have not been disappointed by a single chapter of this story yet. Not one. Everything from the writing to the characterisation to the plot is superb.
The Great Butler chapter 2 . 9/5/2010
Thoroughly impressed after just two chapters; I can see this easily being a canon offshoot from Simon not finding Nia when he did. I think you are characterizing everything beautifully, and the focus on Dark Nia is a pretty unique treat, as she was a bit neglected in the series.
ken chapter 16 . 9/3/2010
wow...that's a good chapter, please update again, you could take as much time as you want as long as you update and that would be good enough
Abandoned Account9568 chapter 16 . 9/1/2010
Sweet fried potatoes! Is Simon trying to be Lord Genome Jr now? I'm lovin' it! *cue mac donalds pa pa pa pa paa here* Sitting upon his throne with a beautiful Anti spiral messenger by his side and smooth talking the brigade into a bargain they couldn't afford to refuse? Oh wow.

Wating for another update, hope you get lots of inspiration!
Rise Against713 chapter 16 . 9/1/2010
nice chapter. can't wait to see more
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