Reviews for Sound of Pulling Heaven Down
KagamiWalker13 chapter 1 . 11/20/2016
That was great. Just fucking great.
The best thing so far is your Simon's characterization. He seems to be so tragic character, almost crazy, just the way I like the best. His talk about the power inside him was delightful, it expressed pretty well his feelings and gave a shot of his character.
I adore the chemistry between him and Nia, it just the first chapter and you give me chills. Their conversation was very... promising, I'm really interested how it will develop.
You gave me chills, and I was truly excited while reading this.
The parts with ships shooting were rather boring, and there should be more descriptions, even a little ones, just to help imagine characters and sceneries better.(because I keep wondering in what Nia was dressed when Simon was touching her skin, if in her messenger outfit from anime, he could not have touched her bare skin then)
Festus Flare chapter 20 . 10/11/2016
*crosses fingers*
Please have a happy ending, please have a happy ending, please have a happy ending!
FireWolfFred chapter 20 . 9/29/2016
Sorry it took so long for me to read this chapter. Life got in the way I guess, haha. This story has come a long way and is shaping up for some real drama. The way you write the characters really makes this story what it is and the tension and development of these familiar yet subtly different characters is really impressive.

I'm really looking forward to the next chapter. Hope you have an easier time of writing it. Good luck.

BookWorm2the2ndPower chapter 5 . 9/20/2016
I'm in love with this story! It's amazing! I feel like you really got the point across as to why exactly the Antis fear Spiral power. For Simon to have that much power, and to be so cavalier about? It was PERFECT! And I don't think this is at all out of character considering what's happened to them. You're a fantastic writer!
Pyroclastic flow chapter 20 . 3/29/2016
I read this fic months a go and I enjoyed it a lot, I do enjoy the interplay between Nia's want for the greater good as she sees it, and Simon's 'fuck the greater good, there is no greater good than you.'
dragonfox123 chapter 1 . 3/13/2016
Great chapter and plot
Guest chapter 20 . 2/19/2016
I forget that ff's comments are the most retarded in all the internet. Half the reviews are nothing but interjections and non sequiturs, and the other half at least make an attempt to say something about the writing, but mostly offer mindless, neutral praise without adding the contents of the chapter.

I don't have a problem with the long update times; that's what the subscribe feature is for. I did have a problem with this returning chapter, which should be given some slack because it feels that it was a prelude to some payoff arc later on.

Up to now, most of the chapters each had contributed strongly to the extra-canon lore you helped shape, the penultimate so far as quiet time and training before the big battle. The majority of this final chapter, however, was spent ruminating on previous plot details and spelling them out for the returning reader. The sentiment is noble but unfortunately coddling, as this effectively halted the story momentum.

The most egregious reason for complaint here is the large dialogue dump which takes the form of an argument of wills. We aren't told anything more about our leading couple's thoughts and motivations than we have been told the first nineteen chapters already. A clear exception being the observation that Simon never cried.

I love this work. It takes the simple, interesting premise introduced in the final battle of the show of what happens if Simon needed to literally take on the universe, and the havoc that would ensue among his crew and within himself. This story solidified my love of Dark Nia (x Simon) and a surprising breakthrough favorite in Boota who ironically acts and thinks the most humanly out of the entire cast.

I enjoyed the progressive build-up to Nia's freedom through Simon's seduction, the tragedy effected by Simon's doubts and failures, and the strong relationship building between the main and extended characters. But we've gone on long enough edging to climax without release. There's enough build-up at this point in the story; we need something to happen to show for it.

It's been over one year since the last update, but we're all patiently waiting for you.
ffnovice7 chapter 3 . 2/4/2016
One science note (I'm not even going to appease the insecure by appending a "nerdy" to it): unless they reentered into an atmosphere, right after warping from the sun the ship should still be overheating at the same temperature as they left. If they're not cooling by air or water, they would need significant internal cooling systems to actively stabilize temperatures; they shouldn't be out of trouble right away after the warp.

It might sound pedantic, but it's like hearing sound or seeing aerodynamics in space; it tends to break suspension of disbelief.
Guest chapter 20 . 12/15/2015
You, good sir/madam, are one of the most talented writers I have laid eyes upon! Have you considered a career in writing?
Houndini chapter 20 . 9/25/2015
REALLY hope Simon and Nia live
Guest chapter 7 . 7/17/2015
TheBleachDoctor chapter 20 . 6/3/2015
Holy crap. This story is amazing. I don't care if it takes years till completion, I'm sold.
Although, no5 having to wait years would be great too.
DigitalStrider chapter 20 . 3/26/2015
You do not know how glad I am to see that this story is back. Ok, well, maybe you do, seeing as I just said it.

I was on something of a break from the site for the last several years, but I can't believe I stopped reading this thriller altogether. I figured I'd come back and get myself back up to speed, especially since the finale aired on Toonami this past weekend.

Simon's depression and insecurities, the plight of Nia and her fellow Messengers, the dysfunction and disarray Team Dai-Gurren has fallen into, those flashes of who Simon and Nia were meant to be regardless of if their meeting ultimately turns out to have been a decade too late, even the blissful ignorance of the terribly unnerving Kumpus... It's been every bit as captivating a read as it was the first time, and the moral dilemma presented to Simon and Nia in this chapter, on the eve of what will be their biggest challenge yet, is no different.

I eagerly await the continuing (mis)adventures of Simon, Nia, and the rest of the Dai-Gurren Brigade.
Kamufakito chapter 14 . 3/17/2015
Aughhh! So perfect! The detail! The OOCs! ;v; you're making me fall in love with Gurran Lagann all over again!
ICHeart chapter 20 . 2/25/2015
Good Story
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