Reviews for Sound of Pulling Heaven Down
Bleppers chapter 2 . 4/5/2008
This has definitely been worth the read, considering I don't read much fan-fiction nowadays. GARlock!Simon is so full of win, I could already die happy. but, best of all, there's plot and potential.

Thank you for the update~ :]
schoolgirl chapter 2 . 4/2/2008
please continue! Is the ending going to be the same as the anime?
DG Friendly chapter 2 . 4/2/2008
So... When are you going to update?

The other two before are right, this is a very well written story Of TTGL, in it's most regretted unexplored branch, the Great Captain GARlock.

So go out there and show us what you are made of!
u-jin chapter 2 . 4/1/2008
YES! YOU. ARE. AWESOME! This...this is the 'all the stars are enemies' I've been waiting for! GARlock! GARlock to the XTREMME! I praise you highly for this. May your days be filled with happiness!

Also, may you update at least somewhat promptly, or else...MAY YOUR DAYS BE FILLED WITH SADNESS AND DESPAIR!
FFFX chapter 2 . 3/25/2008
One of the best Gurren-Lagann fics I've read (admittedly not many... there aren't that many Gurren-Lagann fics out there). It's well written, bonus points for a good concept and hilarious... inuendo at the end of chapter 2. I look forward to the third chapter.

This is the second story I read that played off the discontinuities in the opening prologue teaser in ep 1. I've got to say I'm eager to do something with it myself but I don't want to coppy anyone...
DG Friendly chapter 1 . 3/23/2008

*Awesomne-o-Meter: needle reaches ten... tries to go futher... whole thing blows up.*

This story reaches an "Exploding" 25 awesome points on 10.

Continue it, or else.

P.S.: We know where you live, The CIA.
Alex Nagisa chapter 1 . 3/19/2008
Oh my god! GARlock fic! And a very nice one indeed.

I like how Simon and Nia are still just meeting each other and all that. The part were he started punching at her was priceless xD Still needs more Ganmen though, lol.

You will continue this right? Hope you do!
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