Reviews for Epilogophilia:You Don't Hear the One That Gets You
storyfan101 chapter 1 . 3/28/2008
My favorite part of your stories is always the dialogue. I can always tell when they've worked out their concerns when I start laughing at their one liners. Great story.
dcat8888 chapter 1 . 3/25/2008
I really liked the 'feel' of this one. You have poor Mark avoiding another 'clingy' girl with one thing on her mind, and poor Milt trying to mediate and assure McCormick that not everyone is gonna be a psycho. You set the mood great, dialouge as always with your stories was crisp, concise and right on. This was a pleasure to read.
JeanneZ84 chapter 1 . 3/25/2008
Gee poor Mark it doesnt always have good won the modified and all but everything went wrong after that.

I read this in the CDFanzine I do enjoy these stories Im always happy too read all these.

Great Job.

Georgi1961 chapter 1 . 3/25/2008
AH, I loved it! I can't get enough of this episode, and try to read it slowly to enjoy it! THANKS so much for making my day-

owlcroft chapter 1 . 3/25/2008
I can't decide which is my favorite line - the one about being a cheerful, upbeat cynic or the understatement of the year about the weekend. The whole piece is such a precise portrait of tired disillusionment. The bit with the waitress "checking out the alignment" is just the final fillip.

Beautifully done, as always.
e-pony chapter 1 . 3/25/2008
Always liked this one – the story (well, the epi, too). Poor Mark! Always on the downward side of the wheel of fortune. Luckily, he has his sense of humor and a good friend to see him through.
